How to Sell an Annuity

How to Sell an Annuity – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Sell an Annuity. This topic was created by Meister Ade and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 7 secrets to selling annuities

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Stanford | permalink
7 secrets to selling annuities

Having a tough time selling annuities? These experts have the answer.
Tags: Sales & Marketing, Fixed/Indexed, Annuity Sales Strategies, Variable, Suitability, retirement solutions, Jim Brogan, product management, Mark Pruitt, Senior Market, Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America, Strategic Estate Planning Services Inc., Douglas Dubitsky, Citizen Advisory Group, Jeff Bucher, Mike Volner, John Zidan, Brogan Financial, Volner Financial Group, Jack Keeter & Associates, Jack Keeter Study Group

Tip 2 - Annuities Are Not Bought, They're Sold

Published:  | Submitted by Sean Schroeder | permalink
Annuities Are Not Bought, They're Sold

In the realm of personal finance, no word has been dragged through the mud more times than the A-word—Annuities.  Yet annuities survive and even thrive.  How they do is not a mystery.  There is not an outcry on the part of consumers demanding annuity products.  The reason for the continued [...]
Tags: Advisor Network,Investing,personal finance,Retirement,annuity,Financial adviser,financial advisor,financial consulate,Financial plan,financial planning,Financial services,Insurance,LIFO,tim maurer,ultimate financial plan

Tip 3 - Don't Want Your Annuity? You May Be Able to Sell It

Published:  | Submitted by Ashok Vuppala | permalink
Don't Want Your Annuity? You May Be Able to Sell It

Are you receiving annuity payments but you'd prefer a single lump-sum payment instead? As appealing as receiving a lump-sum payment might sound, you may be under the impression that you're stuck with those annuity payments and a lump sum is out of the question. Not necessarily. You may be able to exchange your annuity for a lump sum through a secondary market for annuities.

Tip 4 - How to Find a Buyer for Your Annuity

Published:  | Submitted by Draggeta | permalink
How to Find a Buyer for Your Annuity

Although an annuity is meant to provide steady income, particularly when you retire, there are circumstances when you might want to find a buyer for your annuity. Some people decide to sell their...
Tags: WikiHow, Find a Buyer for Your Annuity, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Selling Your Structured Settlement & Annuity Payments

Published:  | Submitted by Basil Eastwood | permalink

Learn how to sell your annuity or structured settlement payments. Get the funds that you need today.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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