How to Set Date And Time On Kodak Easy Share C653

How to Set Date And Time On Kodak Easy Share C653 – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Set Date And Time On Kodak Easy Share C653. This topic was created by Ove Liljedahl and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Operate the Kodak EasyShare C613 Zoom digital camera

Published:  | Submitted by Pia Bugge | permalink
How to Operate the Kodak EasyShare C613 Zoom digital camera

This interactive Kodak digital camera tutorial takes you through every step necessary to fully familiarize yourself with the Kodak EasyShare C613 Zoom digital camera. If you just purchased a Kodak EasyShare C613 Zoom digital camera, take this instructional tour and learn how to set camera date & time, set picture quality, review pictures & videos, delete pictures & videos, protect pictures & videos, share pictures & videos, set camera scene modes, set flash & exposure, crop pictures, and use the camera favorites album. Soon you will be an expert at operating your new Kodak EasyShare C613 Zoom

Tip 2 - How to Change a Photo Date Stamp | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Pinther | permalink
How to Change a Photo Date Stamp | eHow

Organizing your photographs by date is a simple and easy way to keep track of all the pictures you take. However, sometimes photos will have the incorrect date tagged to them, as the date must be set by the owner. This is especially true of digital photos, which use a camera's internal calendar for its date stamp, and sometimes get taken...

Tip 3 - How to Set date and time on a Kodak EasyShare digital camera

Published:  | Submitted by Stinja | permalink
How to Set date and time on a Kodak EasyShare digital camera

This interactive Kodak EasyShare camera tutorial takes you through every step necessary to setup the time and date for your pictures and videos. If you have a Kodak EasyShare digital camera, you're going to need to know how to do this important step in maintaining and using your camera. Let Kodak teach you how. It's easy to set the time and date for great record keeping of your photos and videos, and is basically the same on all Kodak EasyShare digital cameras. Set date and time on a Kodak EasyShare digital camera. Click through to watch this video on

Tip 4 - How to Operate the Kodak EasyShare C653 Zoom digital camera

Published:  | Submitted by Snk 33 | permalink
How to Operate the Kodak EasyShare C653 Zoom digital camera

This interactive Kodak digital camera tutorial takes you through every step necessary to fully familiarize yourself with the Kodak EasyShare C653 Zoom digital camera. If you just purchased a Kodak EasyShare C653 Zoom digital camera, take this instructional tour and learn how to set camera date & time, set picture quality, review pictures & videos, delete pictures & videos, protect pictures & videos, share pictures & videos, set camera scene modes, set flash & exposure, crop pictures, and use the camera favorites album. Soon you will be an expert at operating your new Kodak EasyShare C653 Zoom

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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4 Tips
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