Published: by Linda Larabee |
permalink Hulu has made your computer into a viable TV viewing alternative, and Hulu Plus might make it a real replacement. In celebration of all-things streaming and (mostly) free, here are our best Hulu hacks—downloading, watching anywhere, and advanced searching included. Hulu Plus Provides Full TV Seasons for $9.99 a Month on Computers, iOS, and More, Invite-Only for Now Hulu Plus Provides Full TV Seasons for $9.99 a Month on Computers, iOS, and More, Invite-Only for No Hulu Plus Provides Full TV Seasons for $9.99 a Mon Hulu Plus is a premium service from the popular online video streaming service that brings full… Read more Read more What's your own favorite, indispensable Hulu upgrade or work-around? What features are you surprised more people don't know about? Spread the free TV love in the comments.
Tags: Lifehacker Top 10, Hulu, TV, Television, Streaming Video, Flash, Search, IP address, Feature, Top, Alerts, Android, Fullscreen, Dual Monitor, Lifehacker