How to Set up the Reel on a Fly Rod

How to Set up the Reel on a Fly Rod – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Set up the Reel on a Fly Rod. This topic was created by cyros and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To Put Fly Line and Backing on a Fly Fishing Reel + Knots to know

Published:  | Submitted by Anne Jungman | permalink
How To Put Fly Line and Backing on a Fly Fishing Reel + Knots to know

How to put line on a fishing reel. This fly line tutorial shows the albright knot, nail knot, loop to loop and the arbor knot. Complete flyreel setup guide.

Tip 2 - First setup - Most of us know how, but this article is for the ones who never set up a complete reel, backing, line and leader.

Published:  | Submitted by saddambea | permalink
First setup - Most of us know how, but this article is for the ones who never set up a complete reel, backing, line and leader.

The Global FlyFisher - First setup - Most of us know how, but this article is for the ones who never set up a complete reel, backing, line and leader.
Tags: global, fly, fisher, flypatterns, flies, flytying, fishing, angling, fly-fishing, fly-tying, First setup - Most of us know how, but this article is for the ones who never set up a complete reel, backing, line and leader.

Tip 3 - Fly Fishing Leader and Tippet: What, Why and How | The Fly Fishing Basics

Published:  | Submitted by Michael Helton | permalink
Fly Fishing Leader and Tippet: What, Why and How | The Fly Fishing Basics

Have you wondered what a fly fishing leader and tippet is and how it's used? I'm here to answer your questions on what, why and how to use fly fishing leader and tippets in your fly fishing excursions.
Tags: fly fishing leader and tippet, fly fishing, leaders, Tippet material, fly fishing gear, fly fishing basics, learn to fly fish, how to fly fish, fly rod setup

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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