How to Share Car Seats Between Parents

How to Share Car Seats Between Parents – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Share Car Seats Between Parents. This topic was created by Anderson Phyllis and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Car seat safety: The biggest mistakes parents make, and how to avoid them | BabyCenter

Published:  | Submitted by Fhex | permalink
Car seat safety: The biggest mistakes parents make, and how to avoid them | BabyCenter

Make your child's car ride as safe as possible by avoiding these common mistakes when using car seats, booster seats, and seat belts.
Tags: seat belts, car seat, booster seat, car seat safety

Tip 2 - Babies at risk: Most new parents are doing car seats all wrong

Published:  | Submitted by Paulo Somsen | permalink
Babies at risk: Most new parents are doing car seats all wrong

New parents who carefully buckle their newborns in for the ride home from the hospital are almost all doing it wrong, a new study suggests.

Tip 3 - 75 Percent of Parents Make This Car Seat Mistake

Published:  | Submitted by TAJINDER SINGH | permalink
75 Percent of Parents Make This Car Seat Mistake

Photo by Corbis A surprising number of parents make a potentially fatal mistake when strapping their children into car seats, according to the results of a new study published in the journal Academic Pediatrics. 75 percent transition their kid to a forward-facing car seat much earlier than advised.  Here’s the car seat rule of thumb: Parents should use a rear-facing seat until a child is 2 years old or until he or she has outgrown the height and weight limits of their rear-facing seats. In 2011, 33 percent of parents of 1-to 4-year-old children who had been turned to face forward had done so at or before 12 months. “New parents are more likely to follow AAP guidelines than ones with older kids but on average, parents turn their children around anywhere between 13 and 15 months old, which is too early.” Although Macy didn’t study the reasons behind the data, previous research found that parents want to keep an eye on their kids while they drive, assume they’re too large or heavy to face the rear, or prefer the convenience of removing them when they’re facing forward.  STORY: Should You Feel Bonded to Your Baby Bump?

Tip 4 - uberFAMILY: For Parents On The Go

Published:  | Submitted by Lene Hu 00f 8jbjerre | permalink
uberFAMILY: For Parents On The Go

Tags: car seat,family,uberfamily,uberfamily dc

Tip 5 - The Most Common Car Seat Mishaps New Parents Make

Published:  | Submitted by Jan Peekstok | permalink
The Most Common Car Seat Mishaps New Parents Make

Most parents don't like to admit it, but Prince William isn't the only new parent to make a car seat mistake — nearly every new parent has gone through the experience of a car seat mishap. Whether it's improper installation of the seat itself or

Tip 6 - The Biggest Car-Seat Mistakes Parents Make

Published:  | Submitted by Alexandra Martins | permalink
The Biggest Car-Seat Mistakes Parents Make

With the kids back at school and parents’ schedules more hectic, mid-September is a good time for a...
Tags: The Biggest Car-Seat Mistakes Parents Make, NHTSA, child safety, AAA, Car Seats

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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