How to Ship Liquor Bottles

How to Ship Liquor Bottles – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Ship Liquor Bottles. This topic was created by KUSON 2 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Tackle the Toughest Shipping Restrictions

Published:  | Submitted by gilles sournac | permalink
How to Tackle the Toughest Shipping Restrictions

Fall is the season of shipping weird stuff across the world. While most packages won't raise an eyebrow, there are some things like alcohol, lithium ion batteries, and perishable items that have their own special rules. Here's how to manage some of the more difficult things to ship.
Tags: shipping, how to, guide, alcohol, electronics, batteries, Lifehacker

Tip 2 - how do you ship alcohol legally?

Published:  | Submitted by Amanda Regnerus | permalink
how do you ship alcohol legally?

What would be the best way to send a friend a $1000 bottle of 80 proof alcohol from Minnesota to California? Needless to say I want to break no laws and need it to reach its destination. (sender...

Tip 3 - Ship Alcohol USPS, UPS, FedEx: Rules & Restrictions

Published:  | Submitted by Harrison Bonginkosi | permalink
Ship Alcohol USPS, UPS, FedEx: Rules & Restrictions

Shipping Alcohol Mailing and shipping alcohol carries certain restrictions based on the carrier you are choosing. Here we go over shipping alcohol through the main three carriers, USPS, UPS, and F...

Tip 4 - The Best Way to Ship a Bottle of Alcohol | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Klaus Gross | permalink
The Best Way to Ship a Bottle of Alcohol | eHow

It is not legal to ship alcohol through the mail across state or national lines unless you have a license. That said, there are a variety of ways to ship alcohol (both legal and illegal) that people regularly put into practice. As long as you're not shipping large amounts of alcohol from one point to another, the punishment for getting caught is...

Tip 5 - How to Ship Alcohol | uShip

Published:  | Submitted by Tulaya Pornpiriyakulchai | permalink
How to Ship Alcohol | uShip

Learn how to ship Alcohol and other sensitive items via uShip's Shipping Guides.

Tip 6 - How to Ship Alcohol in the U.S. »

Published:  | Submitted by Jaap van de Put | permalink

You’re over 21 years old, buying and shipping alcohol should be a cinch. Well, buying isn’t a problem, but shipping certainly can be. Shipping alcohol via the U.S. Postal Service across state lines is illegal in the United States. You can opt to ship through the private carriers, FedEx and UPS, but there are a

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

7.1k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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