How to Shoot a Rifle

How to Shoot a Rifle – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Shoot a Rifle. This topic was created by Allan Hodnett and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 8 Uncommon Rifle Shooting Tips For Beginners - The Firearm Blog

Published:  | Submitted by Emilio Diaz | permalink
8 Uncommon Rifle Shooting Tips For Beginners - The Firearm Blog

Title image: This new shooter has exercised proper trigger follow through while shooting my Lithgow Enfield. Unfortunately, one leg of the rest he is using has begun to fall off the table. He will have to readjust his shooting position before he takes the next shot, which may cause his group to open up. Teaching … Read More …

Tip 2 - How to Shoot a Rifle Offhand

Published:  | Submitted by Lindsey Hill | permalink

Beliefs that my generation held as sacred are now null and void. If Capt. John Paul Jones were asked to surrender today, he would not answer “I have not yet begun to fight” but “Let’s work this out. Violence is never the answer, and all these dead bodies in the ocean are an environmental hazard.” Also, we can’t seem to shoot offhand anymore. We no longer walk; we sit. And thanks to the current long-range craze, the idea of sneaking to get a closer shot at something is as alien as going afield without four electronic devices that you consult every two and a half minutes.
Tags: hunting, Big Game Hunting, All Big Game, guns, Rifles, Shooting Tips

Tip 3 - How to Shoot a Rifle

Published:  | Submitted by Charles Rosenbloom | permalink
How to Shoot a Rifle

The guys teach a prepper from Colorado how to shoot a rifle.
Tags: Apocalypse 101: The Warrior Spirit, Prepping Video, Rifle, Weapon, Shooting, Target, How To Shoot A Rifle, Apocalypse 101, Channel

Tip 4 - How to Fire a Rifle | The Art of Manliness

Published:  | Submitted by jeff polonsky | permalink
How to Fire a Rifle | The Art of Manliness

Learn how to fire a rifle safely and correctly with this guide.

Tip 5 - Shooting Tips: 8 Mistakes that Rob Rifle Accuracy

Published:  | Submitted by Lydia Cordes | permalink
Shooting Tips: 8 Mistakes that Rob Rifle Accuracy

If you’re struggling to shoot small groups, it might not be the rifle. It might be an error in your setup or execution. Learning to recognize subtle mistakes will help you to shoot without excuses and give every rifle it’s fair shake at the range. There is skill involved in all types of shooting, but generally, rifle accuracy from a bench rest is about consistency and eliminating outside influences that limit the gun’s capabilities. Once you learn to recognize these 8 overlooked mistakes, you will see better results on target.
Tags: Hunting, Tenpoint 2013, Master Class Precision Shooting

Tip 6 - How to Aim a Rifle

Published:  | Submitted by Christer Sju 00f 6stru 00f 6m | permalink
How to Aim a Rifle

Marksmanship is about maintaining proper form and developing the habits that will ensure steadiness and accuracy. Read on to discover tricks the pros use to hit the target every time. Develop your steady position.http://www.armystudyguid...
Tags: WikiHow, Aim a Rifle, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

For further reading: [6]

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

9.7k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
1 Saved