How to Shrink Polyester Clothing

How to Shrink Polyester Clothing – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Shrink Polyester Clothing. This topic was created by chad glass and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Shrink Polyester

Published:  | Submitted by Vita Beserra | permalink
How to Shrink Polyester

Polyester is a durable material that resists shrinkage. Unfortunately, when a polyester garment is too large to fit properly, this resistant quality will make it harder to shrink it down to size. Shrinkage can occur at very high...
Tags: WikiHow, Shrink Polyester, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - How To Shrink Your Polyester Clothes | Favorite Doodads on

Published:  | Submitted by b 0nus | permalink
How To Shrink Your Polyester Clothes | Favorite Doodads on

If you have a polyester shirt that you would love a whole lot more if it was just a little bit smaller, there may be a solution for you. Although you will hear that polyester clothes cannot be shrunk, this can be incorrect if you know what you are doing. Because polyester is a synthetic…

Tip 3 - How to Shrink Polyester Clothing | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Anwyl | permalink
How to Shrink Polyester Clothing | eHow

Effective shrinking of polyester clothing means getting it wet and circulating hot air around the fabric.

Tip 4 - How To Shrink Polyester Shirts

Published:  | Submitted by u 015firin poyraz | permalink

Want to learn how to shrink polyester shirts? If you have shirts made of polyester that are too large for you, whether you purchased them that way or they were a gift, you'll need to know how to shrink polyester. Read on for instruction on how to go about shrinking polyester shirts. Wash your shirt. In order to shrink …

Tip 5 - How can you shrink 100 percent polyester clothing?

Published:  | Submitted by Primo | permalink

Shrink polyester clothing by machine washing it in cold water and then drying it on high until it is completely dry. If it is not small enough, follow up by saturating the item with boiling water....

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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