How to Socialize Feral Kittens

How to Socialize Feral Kittens – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Socialize Feral Kittens. This topic was created by kroko and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Socializing (Taming) Feral Kittens

Published:  | Submitted by Amy The Panda | permalink
Socializing (Taming) Feral Kittens

Kittens born to street cats, whether the mother is feral or domestic (friendly), are wild and need to be socialized (tamed) in order to be suitable for adoption. The process of socializing feral kittens requires a daily commitment of time over several weeks or months, depending on the age of the kittens and the amount and consistency of the time you spend working with them.
Tags: feral cat initiative, mayor's alliance for nyc's animals, new york city, nyc, feral cat, feral cats, feral kitten, feral kittens, stray cat, stray cats, stray kitten, stray kittens, wild cat, wild cats, wild kitten, wild kittens, trap neuter return, trap-neuter-return, t-n-r, tnr, trap neuter return, trap-neuter-return, trap neuter release, trap-neuter-release, cat colony, cat colonies, certified t-n-r caretaker, certified tnr caretaker, class, classes, workshop, workshops, training, trainings, cat adoption, adopt a cat, kitten adoption, adopt a kitten, cat spay, cat spaying, cat neuter, cat neutering, cat spay/neuter, cats, manhattan, brooklyn, bronx, queens, staten island, long island

Tip 2 - The Best Age for Taming Feral Kittens

Published:  | Submitted by snowzone | permalink
The Best Age for Taming Feral Kittens

The weaning stage between four and eight weeks of age presents the best window of opportunity for taming feral kittens for adoption.

Tip 3 - Should You Ever Try to Adopt a Kitten You Find in the Wild?

Published:  | Submitted by Luciana | permalink
Should You Ever Try to Adopt a Kitten You Find in the Wild?

Learn the difference between feral and stray cats and know what to do if you find a litter of feral kittens.
Tags: feral kittens, adopt a kitten, kittens adoption, stray cats, feral cats, adopting feral cats, adopting a stray cat, trap-neuter-return

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago

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