How to Sort Column Data in Excel

How to Sort Column Data in Excel – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Sort Column Data in Excel. This topic was created by Hypnosam and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Excel Sort

Published:  | Submitted by Joris Veroeveren | permalink
Excel Sort

You can sort your Excel data on one column or multiple columns. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
Tags: excel sort, sort on one column, multiple columns, ascending order, descending order, criteria

Tip 2 - 6 Ways to Sort Data in Excel

Published:  | Submitted by Pip Betteridge | permalink
6 Ways to Sort Data in Excel

Six ways to sort data values in Excel - includes quick sorts on one column, sorting by date or time, multi-column sorts, and sorting by custom lists.

Tip 3 - Excel 2013: Sorting Data

Published:  | Submitted by Peter Schlumpf | permalink
Excel 2013: Sorting Data

Excel 2013 is the spreadsheet application in the newest Microsoft Office suite. This tutorial will show you how to use the powerful tools in Excel 2013 for organizing, visualizing, and calculating your data.<br /><br />If you'd like more practice creating formulas, you may also want to check out our <a href="">Excel&nbsp;Formulas</a> tutorial!

Tip 4 - How to Sort Multiple Rows and Columns in Excel

Published:  | Submitted by Tommy Paulsen | permalink
How to Sort Multiple Rows and Columns in Excel

With Microsoft Excel's powerful sorting capabilities, you can enter unsorted data and let the software sort your data numerically, alphabetically or chronologically. You can sort all the rows in a ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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