How to Spice up a Sandwich

How to Spice up a Sandwich – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Spice up a Sandwich. This topic was created by Howard Bujtor and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Sandwiches to Spice Up a Back-to-School Lunch

Published:  | Submitted by Esuslik | permalink
10 Sandwiches to Spice Up a Back-to-School Lunch

Does your kid turn up his nose at basic peanut butter and jelly? Make lunchtime more fun with these 10 creative twists.
Tags: back-to-school, sandwiches, lunch, kids, kid-friendly

Tip 2 - More Than 100 Ways to Spice up Your Sad Homemade Sandwich |

Published:  | Submitted by Darrin Saver | permalink
More Than 100 Ways to Spice up Your Sad Homemade Sandwich |

Bringing your own lunch to work rather than eating out is an easy way to save some cash. And brown-bagging it doesn't have to be a glum PB&J affair.
Tags: careers & workplace, personal finance, condiments, food, office, sandwich

Tip 3 - Spice Up a Boring Sandwich: 7 Ideas for Flavored Mayonnaise

Published:  | Submitted by Jay Saadian | permalink
Spice Up a Boring Sandwich:  7 Ideas for Flavored Mayonnaise

Admit it: Part of the charm of buying your lunch is eating a fancy sandwich. Sure, you know you could make it at home, but when it comes down to it, time is short and it just seems easier to fork over a small handful of cash at that adorable gourmet deli near work. Homemade mayo is a whole other story (a very delicious story!), but even a store bought jar combined with the right ingredients can do wonders to spice up that sorry excuse for a turkey sandwich thrown together in the morning.

Tip 4 - Spice Up Your Sandwich Routine to Make Brown Bagging It More Appealing

Published:  | Submitted by Greg Kemenah | permalink
Spice Up Your Sandwich Routine to Make Brown Bagging It More Appealing

Everyone knows that packing your own lunch is an effective way to save money and eat healthier food, but it certainly can get a bit predictable. Mix things up with these tips.
Tags: Food Hacks, Food, Kitchen, Home, Household, Saving Money, Eating, dining out, Lifehacker

Tip 5 - Grilled Cheese Please! 7 Simple Ways to Spice Up the Classic

Published:  | Submitted by Tanya Butoryak | permalink
Grilled Cheese Please! 7 Simple Ways to Spice Up the Classic

We've come up with delicious updates to the beloved sandwich. Get ready for grilled cheese…
Tags: family meals, fun with food, picky kid club, recipes for kids, best grilled cheese, cheese sandwich, easy lunch ideas, grilled cheese recipes, grilled cheese sandwiches, kids sandwiches, sandwiches

Tip 6 - 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sandwich

Published:  | Submitted by Outlaw Starr | permalink
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sandwich

Spice up your summer this year by spicing up your homemade sandwiches! That's right. Sandwiches are great delivery vehicles for a number of health benefits incl

Tip 7 - Four ways to spice up your grilled cheese sandwich

Published:  | Submitted by Sk 0rpy | permalink
Four ways to spice up your grilled cheese sandwich

Vary a classic American sandwich with these delicious recipes from chef Terrance Brennan. Try the big cheese, the Frenchie, and more.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

16.6k+ Reads
7 Tips
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