How to Start a Bakery Business

I want to start a local bakery business with only one outlet in the initial stages. Can anyone tell me the things needed to start it all up? Like which things will I need to look after, which supplies I need contacts for, which things I need to focus on, etc etc.

Tip 1 - Get your Business Name & Trade Mark Registered

Published:  | Submitted by Capt Jack Sparrow | permalink

Registering your business name is very important so that anyone else cannot misuse it by giving the same name to their business and you may lose business to them. Moreover, get your trade mark copyrighted so that the same way no one else shall be able to use that also.


However, before doing both things you may need to perform a proper research or engage a lawyer to help you with this process as even accidentally if you pick up a trade mark similar to some other business they have the right to sue you.

Tip 2 - Research your competition

Published:  | Submitted by Rebecca | permalink

Just like in any other business, you should research your competition before you begin. You can go around, see which bakeries are doing good in your locality or the surrounding areas and figure out why they are bringing in customers. This way you will know what you will be going up against.

Tip 3 - Legal requirements and certifications

Published:  | Submitted by Henderson | permalink

You are probably going to need a health inspection certificate and will have to properly register your bakery as a business. You contact your local chamber of commerce for information or a small business association. Be careful about following these regulations if you don't want to lose your investment or pay fines later on.

Certifications include cleanliness, food quality and community based certifications like 'halal' for Muslims.

Tip 4 - Find out about your local taxation and insurance requirements

Published:  | Submitted by Hector | permalink

Since you are setting up a business you will be liable to pay business tax, which varies from country to country. Similarly, you might want to get business insurance because you are selling food items and if someone falls sick after eating something from your bakery you might be facing a law suit for damages. Consider both these things before you start.

Tip 5 - Conduct location research for the area you want to start in

Published:  | Submitted by Gerard | permalink

Don't invest your money in an area without being sure that there is a market there for bakery items and products. Ideally you need to be looking at areas close to residential districts, especially those where there aren't many bakeries.

Tip 6 - First you need to make a Bakery Business Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Hasan Shirazi | permalink

Explore some samples of bakery business plan and then create one for your business. This way you will know what you need to do, what has been done and if you are looking forward to get an investor for your business surely you need to send them business plan first so that they shall be able to decide whether they have to invest or not.


Therefore, it is recommended to make a strong business plan that shall contain everything such as marketing, finance, hiring etc.

Tip 7 - Find Skilled Staff for your Bakery

Published:  | Submitted by Stephanie Cheng | permalink

You need to find really good and professional staff for your bakery because when it comes to food taste means a lot. Do keep in mind that people won't come back to your shop if once they left unsatisfied, so be sure your chefs, service staff all are trained people and do know their jobs.

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Category: Business & Finance | 11 years ago

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