How to Stay on a Diet While on Vacation

How to Stay on a Diet While on Vacation – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Stay on a Diet While on Vacation. This topic was created by Rachel Bernardo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 9 Ways to Take Your Diet on Vacation

Published:  | Submitted by Ken Yamada | permalink
9 Ways to Take Your Diet on Vacation

Expert tips for choosing healthy restaurant foods and enjoying your vacation without blowing your diet.
Tags: Diet on vacation, Food and travel, food for vacation, healthy restaurant, Elaine Magee, Recipe Doctor

Tip 2 - 10 Ways to Eat Healthy While on Vacation

Published:  | Submitted by Martin Todd | permalink
10 Ways to Eat Healthy While on Vacation

Don't leave your good eating habits behind when you get away from it all
Tags: diet

Tip 3 - The No. 1 Diet Mistake You Make on Vacation

Published:  | Submitted by Mahinder Chugh | permalink
The No. 1 Diet Mistake You Make on Vacation

Maintain your hard-earned bikini body by not falling for this slip-up. It's easier than you think!
Tags: bikini body, vacation, diet, weight loss, fitness, weight maintenance, fit tips, vacation tips, diet mistakes, fitness mistakes, vacation diet, healthy eating, farmers market, snacks

Tip 4 - The Vacation Diet: How To Maintain Your Weight While Traveling - JCD Fitness

Published:  | Submitted by Winston Anderson | permalink

Regardless of your goals, maintaining a steady diet is fairly easy when you’re in the comfort of your own home and regular routine.  However, when the summer rolls around or the boss sends you out for work, traveling can pose a major issue for any fitness enthusiasts diet. When I mention diet in this sense, …

Tip 5 - Avoid Travel Diet Traps: How to Stay Slim on Vacation

Published:  | Submitted by Slacker D | permalink
Avoid Travel Diet Traps: How to Stay Slim on Vacation

Don't let your diet lapse while on vacation! This simple plan will help you stay slim before, during and after your vacation.
Tags: weightloss

Tip 6 - Daphne Oz's Vacation Dieting Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Thao Pham | permalink
Daphne Oz's Vacation Dieting Tips

Daphne Oz shares her secrets for how to eat healthy and maintain your hard-earned bikini body while on summer vacation.
Tags: daphne, oz, doctor, dr., mehmet, daughter, diet, dieting, exercise, figure, shape, swimsuit, swim, suit, bathing, pool, sun, bathe, bath, poolside, side, beach, blanket, summer, vacation, holiday, trip, getaway, eat, eating, local, food, foods

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

2.2k+ Reads
6 Tips
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