How to Stick to your Exercise Routine

How to Stick to your Exercise Routine – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Stick to your Exercise Routine. This topic was created by Bas Uijl and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Stick to a Workout Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Matthias Kaiser | permalink
How to Stick to a Workout Plan

Starting a workout program is one thing, but keeping at it? Challenging! Stay motivated with these seven tips from celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson.
Tags: Tracy Anderson, stick to a workout plan, workout tips, celebrity, celebrity tips, exercise, fitness motivation

Tip 2 - 12 Tips to Help You Stick With Your Fitness Program

Published:  | Submitted by Mira Evans | permalink
12 Tips to Help You Stick With Your Fitness Program

If you're bored or unmotivated by your fitness routine -- or just starting a new exercise program -- use these 12 tips from WebMD to pump up your game.
Tags: motivation, exercise, working out, gym, fitness program, social, friends, routine, change, weight loss, workout, how much exercise do i need each week, buddy system, strength training, running

Tip 3 - 20 Ways to Stick to Your Workout

Published:  | Submitted by Lawrence Botel | permalink
20 Ways to Stick to Your Workout

Fading motivation is the enemy of every great weight-loss plan. To stoke the fires, top trainers reveal their never-quit, get-fit-quick tricks.

Tip 4 - How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To

Published:  | Submitted by Phil Elsbree | permalink
How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To

If getting active and staying healthy were easy, everyone would do it...but we don't. We come home after a long day of sitting in a chair to de-stress by sitting in another chair, unable to summon the energy to take a walk or hit the gym. Sure, everyone says to "make time for what's important to you," but oversimplification doesn't make the struggle easier. Let's break down the mental walls keeping you from taking care of yourself.
Tags: Fitness, Health, wellness, Exercise, Nutrition, Mind Hacks, Diet, Activity, Productivity, Organization, Motivation, sedentary, Lifestyle, Communities, Community, Body, How-to, Feature, Top, How To, Lifehacker

Tip 5 - How to Stick to Your Workout—for Good!

Published:  | Submitted by Vitaliy Lebedev | permalink
How to Stick to Your Workout—for Good!

Steal these secrets from super consistent exercisers
Tags: workout motivation,how to stick to your workout

Tip 6 - 10 Tricks to Stick to Your Workout Landing

Published:  | Submitted by Dmytro Popinako | permalink
10 Tricks to Stick to Your Workout Landing

10 surefire ways to stay motivated and keep yourself moving
Tags: Women's Health,,Women's Health Magazine

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

16.6k+ Reads
6 Tips
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