How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings

How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings. This topic was created by Sleeper OCAU and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Prepare and Store Leftover Meat Drippings

Published:  | Submitted by Jenny S | permalink

Blog post at Cooking Manager : Commenter Ariela asked how to use the meat juices and sauces—drippings—from cooking meat. I called these drippings  'a cook's secret we[..]

Tip 2 - How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen Killoran | permalink
How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings

When you roast a turkey it leaves behind a lot of drippings in the pan. These drippings can be the base ingredient for gravy, sauces or soups. Take advantage of the good stuff left behind by straining and freezing that turkey broth or...
Tags: WikiHow, Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth or Drippings, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 3 - How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth and Drippings

Published:  | Submitted by Amen Moses | permalink
How to Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth and Drippings

When you roast a turkey it leaves behind a lot of drippings in the pan. These drippings can be the base ingredient for gravy, sauces or soups. Take advantage of the good stuff left behind by straining and freezing that turkey broth or...
Tags: WikiHow, Strain and Freeze Turkey Broth and Drippings, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 4 - Have several cups of Turkey "drippings" - Home Cooking - Chowhound

Published:  | Submitted by Jose Carretero | permalink
Have several cups of Turkey "drippings" - Home Cooking - Chowhound

Page 1 of Have several cups of Turkey "drippings" - I saved several cups of turkey drippings that were not used during the lunch. It's in the fridge currently but I'm not sure what I should do with it

Tip 5 - How To Make Turkey Gravy: The Simplest, Easiest Method — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

Published:  | Submitted by pilsy | permalink
How To Make Turkey Gravy:  The Simplest, Easiest Method  — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

You've roasted your turkey, and now it's time for for gravy. You don't need a recipe; this step-by-step guide will show you how to make delicious gravy to smother your mashed potatoes and gravy. The deeply browned and greasy scrapings from the bottom of the roasting pan might not look like much when you first take the turkey out of the oven. But those drippings are Thanksgiving manna. Let's make some gravy.

Tip 6 - How To Make Turkey Gravy Ahead of Thanksgiving — Thanksgiving Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

Published:  | Submitted by alexisrichard | permalink
How To Make Turkey Gravy Ahead of Thanksgiving — Thanksgiving Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

Here's a weekend project for you: Make turkey gravy! It takes a few hours, but you're left with a bounty of good eating. There will be shredded turkey meat for sandwiches, extra turkey stock for stuffing or for slurping, and the golden stuff itself: Thick, savory turkey gravy stashed in the freezer for Thanksgiving Day. When your Thanksgiving turkey is roasted and the guests are seated you don't have to worry about your gravy. It's already done. Here's a step-by-step recipe to show you how.

Tip 7 - Turkey Tips: Making Perfect Gravy Article from

Published:  | Submitted by Michel ARNAUD | permalink

Preparing a smooth and savory gravy is easier than you may think.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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