How to Stretch Your Groin and Inner Thighs with the Active Standing Adductor Stretch

How to Stretch Your Groin and Inner Thighs with the Active Standing Adductor Stretch – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Stretch Your Groin and Inner Thighs with the Active Standing Adductor Stretch. This topic was created by Arnold Marquez and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Running Tips: Dynamic and Static Groin Stretches

Published:  | Submitted by Markus Gruendler | permalink
Running Tips: Dynamic and Static Groin Stretches

Tip 2 - The Best Method to Stretch Very Tight Hip Adductors

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Metzler | permalink
The Best Method to Stretch Very Tight Hip Adductors

Your hip adductors make up your inner thighs. Prolonged sitting or standing in any position can make them feel very tight and stiff, which can be a bit painful when you stretch your legs out to your ...

Tip 3 - Standing Lunge Adductor Stretch |

Published:  | Submitted by Susy Massetti | permalink
Standing Lunge Adductor Stretch |

The standing lunge adductor stretch is commonly included in yoga, physical therapy and rehabilitation, athletic training and in personal training sessions across the globe. The Pain Management and Rehabilitation Center includes this exercise in their regimen to increase flexibility in the hip adductor muscles in the prevention and treatment of...

Tip 4 - Deep Inner Thigh Groin Stretch | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Heidi Quijano | permalink
Deep Inner Thigh Groin Stretch | LIVESTRONG.COM

Tissues and muscles in your deep inner thighs and groin can become tight and stiff from poor posture and inactivity. This can lead to weakness in your hips, which can cause pain in your lower back, hips and knees. Stretching this region can help reduce pain and improve hip mobility, allowing more freedom to move in your hip joints, says the...

Tip 5 - Stretching Exercises for the Adductor Magnus | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Aragay | permalink
Stretching Exercises for the Adductor Magnus | LIVESTRONG.COM

Your adductor magnus is the largest muscle in your groin. This muscle has two parts -- the hamstring and adductor parts. The two parts work together to help with hip adduction, flexion and extension. You use this muscle during any type of athletic motion that requires you to move your legs from side to side, such as ice skating, kicking a soccer...

Tip 6 - Groin Strain Stretching Exercises

Published:  | Submitted by Jaclyn | permalink
Groin Strain Stretching Exercises

Below are examples of groin stretches that may be used in the rehabilitation of a groin strain. Always seek professional advice before starting a rehabilitation program. The groin stretching exercises demonstrated below should form part of a full groin strain rehab program which should includin
Tags: groin stretching, groin strain, groin stretching exercises

Tip 7 - Stretches for the Adductor Lying Down

Published:  | Submitted by Steven Elowe | permalink
Stretches for the Adductor Lying Down

Sitting for a long period of time in a classroom or at work can make your adductors -- or inner thighs -- feel weak and saggy. Stretching from a lying down position places less pressure upon your ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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