How to Survive College at 40 and Get All A-Grades

How to Survive College at 40 and Get All A-Grades – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Survive College at 40 and Get All A-Grades. This topic was created by elizabet sieg and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Five admissions tips for the A-minus student from Bethesda

Published:  | Submitted by Nancy Funk | permalink
Five admissions tips for the A-minus student from Bethesda

The Ivies won’t take you, and merit dollars are scarce. But even in the affluent suburbs, there are ways to turn the admission process to your favor.
Tags: college admissions, college rankings, applying to college

Tip 2 - Regional public colleges — the ‘middle children’ of higher ed — struggle to survive

Published:  | Submitted by Cyril Pahinui | permalink
Regional public colleges — the ‘middle children’ of higher ed — struggle to survive

Forty percent of U.S. college students attend regional public colleges, but many of the schools face a squeeze.
Tags: highered, educationpage, regional public colleges, public colleges, community college

Tip 3 - Why The Ones Who Have Bad Grades Are Often The Ones Who Are Most Successful

Published:  | Submitted by founder Sonne | permalink
Why The Ones Who Have Bad Grades Are Often The Ones Who Are Most Successful

This is an ode to all students who have ever gotten B's, C’s, D’s (and sometimes even failed). It’s a declaration to the kids who calculated the exact number of points they needed to get on their finals in order to pass.

Tip 4 - How college grading is different from high school

Published:  | Submitted by Lafayette Howell | permalink
How college grading is different from high school

Before you try to explain your first semester GPA to your parents, check out these clues into how the college grading world tends to work.
Tags: campus life, academics, admissionado, grades, katherine kendig

Tip 5 - Behind Forbes College Financial Grades

Published:  | Submitted by simon rogers | permalink
Behind Forbes College Financial Grades

If colleges and universities were traded like stocks based on their listed tuition prices, higher education would be a short-seller's paradise.
Tags: Investing,Personal Finance,Small Business Roundtable,Best Colleges 2013,Forbes,FORBES College Financial Grades,Magazine

Tip 6 - College is Free! (But Sometimes You'll Get What You Paid For.)

Published:  | Submitted by Kenny Munck | permalink
College is Free! (But Sometimes You'll Get What You Paid For.)

A guide to the frequently awesome, frequently buggy world of massively open online courses.
Tags: , college, coursera, ed-x, free online courses, harvardx, mit, mitx, mooc, online education, stanford

Tip 7 - Grade Inflation: Colleges With the Easiest and Hardest Grades

Published:  | Submitted by lev laltoo | permalink
Grade Inflation: Colleges With the Easiest and Hardest Grades

Here are the 16 colleges and universities that grade the hardest. Consider yourself warned.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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