How to Switch Venison for Beef

How to Switch Venison for Beef – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Switch Venison for Beef. This topic was created by Dirk De Wulf and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Recipes and Cooking Tips That Will Change the Way You Feel About Venison

Published:  | Submitted by Jardelito | permalink
Recipes and Cooking Tips That Will Change the Way You Feel About Venison

Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Stacy Harris. With deer hunting season drawing to a close this month, you've likely been packing up cuts of the
Tags: venison,recipes,hunting,cooking,meat,,food & drink,travel & leisure

Tip 2 - The Gamey Taste of Game Meat, Part I | The Lazy Homesteader on

Published:  | Submitted by SAM pahlavan | permalink
The Gamey Taste of Game Meat, Part I | The Lazy Homesteader on

Every so often I publish a blog post either about hunting or with a picture of an elk steak in it.  Usually after this I get at least one or two questions about how to prepare game meat so that it doesn't taste so "gamey."  I hear lots of people saying they would hunt but…

Tip 3 - Why venison is the perfect meat | Oliver Thring

Published:  | Submitted by Joshua Slobin | permalink
Why venison is the perfect meat | Oliver Thring

Oliver Thring: Consumers are finally seeing past the meat's posh reputation to discover a product that's always free-range, and full of flavour
Tags: Meat,Game,Food & drink,Wildlife,The meat industry,UK news,Farming,Environment,Life and style,Animals,World news

Tip 4 - Beef or Venison: Which Tastes Better?

Published:  | Submitted by Yaevinn | permalink

I enjoy a good beef steak as much as the next guy, but eating one is a rarity for me. My freezer is stocked with venison most of the time, and my wife and I have literally raised our kids on deer meat. In fact, Shari is something of a venison snob, turning up her nose at the bland flavor and fat-laden nature of beef. It is a nice situation for a deer hunter to face, though I do feel the pressure to kill a deer at the first opportunity to, in the words of the old “Beverly Hillbillies” theme song “keep my family fed.”
Tags: Deer Hunting, Finding Deer to Hunt, deer hunting season, deer hunting tips, deer hunting gear, Deer Hunting Camo and Clothing, venison recipes, deer behavior, Deer Stands: Choosing and Hanging Tree Stands and Blinds, Deer Guns: Rifles and Shotguns for Deer Hunting, trophy bucks, Bow Hunting Whitetail Deer

Tip 5 - The Ultimate Red Meat: Venison vs Beef

Published:  | Submitted by George Webber | permalink
The Ultimate Red Meat: Venison vs Beef

Beef has taken a beating lately. Biblical droughts in the Heartland last year have prices on the rise, new research suggests that bacteria in the human digestive system could make red-meat eaters more prone to heart disease, and health-conscious consumers from Seattle to Brooklyn are demanding "grass fed" and "free range" fare. And the flaws in beef only seem to highlight the qualities of venison. With the latest (and strongest) trend in dining being all about eating organically and locally, there should be no meat trendier than deer right now. Not to mention that the whitetail deer population, approximately 15 million in the U.S., has never been larger than it is today. As hunters, we like to brag about the qualities of wild venison: "Most people can't even tell the difference between a beef steak and a venison steak;" "It's way healthier than beef is;" "I haven't bought beef from a grocery store in years;" and on we go. But is eating wild venison truly better than eating beef? Or is that just something we say when we feel the need to justify killing deer? I conducted an objective (and partially subjective) investigation to find out.
Tags: Hunting, Whitetail Deer, Big Game, Bowhunting

Tip 6 - Yummy Beef or Venison Stew

Published:  | Submitted by Dave Picklo | permalink
Yummy Beef or Venison Stew

Chunks of stew meat browned in vegetable oil are combined with carrots, potatoes, celery and onion in a beef bouillon gravy.

Tip 7 - Nutritional Values of Venison vs. Beef

Published:  | Submitted by Elise Hirvensalo | permalink
Nutritional Values of Venison vs. Beef

Venison is meat that comes from deer. The biggest difference between beef and venison is the way they are raised. Beef cattle is raised by human hands, where deer is wild game. From a nutrient ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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