How to Teach a Dog to Go on Command

How to Teach a Dog to Go on Command – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Teach a Dog to Go on Command. This topic was created by Bob Trilling and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Can Your Dog Pee on Command?

Published:  | Submitted by O Coverkill | permalink
Can Your Dog Pee on Command?

The Dog Trainer has the perfect solution for those rainy days when you just want your dog to do his business: Train him to go on cue! Here's how

Tip 2 - 5 Steps to Teaching Your Dog To Pee and Poop On Command

Published:  | Submitted by Randy Huke | permalink
5 Steps to Teaching Your Dog To Pee and Poop On Command

Wouldn't it be nice if your dog would eliminate when and where you wanted him to? Lauren Wojcik of the Manhattan dog walking company LaurensLeash, explains how she used simple reward-based training to get her puppy to go exactly when and where she wants him to.
Tags: dog training, peeing, pooping, The Dogs

Tip 3 - Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called

Published:  | Submitted by selfinfliction | permalink
Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called

Teaching your dog to come when you call her is one of the most important skills you can teach her. This is also known as a “recall,” and it can come in handy in the case of a leash that slips, or a gate that isn’t properly closed.

Tip 4 - Training Your Dog To Pee & Poop On Command | Fun Times Guide to Dogs

Published:  | Submitted by Pantzar Hans | permalink
Training Your Dog To Pee & Poop On Command | Fun Times Guide to Dogs

Tired of standing in the rain waiting for your dog to do his business outside? Try training your dog to pee or poop on command. All you need is a 'cue word', some dog treats, and a little bit of patience.
Tags: training your dog to poop on command pee on cue dog poop on command pooping peeing going outside dog commands dogs

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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4 Tips
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