How to Tell What Your Dog Sees

How to Tell What Your Dog Sees – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Tell What Your Dog Sees. This topic was created by Barry Blum and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Can Dogs See Color?  And How Do We Know?

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Binney | permalink
Can Dogs See Color?  And How Do We Know?

Can dogs see in color? The myth is that they are color blind, but they actually are not. Find out here what they can see and how we know.
Tags: dog,dogs,medical,perception,research,vet care,vision

Tip 2 - Through a dog’s eyes

Published:  | Submitted by paul germanovich | permalink

by Jon Bastian Elsewhere, we’ve dealt with the myth that dogs age seven years for every human year, but there’s another popular misconception floating around. This is the belief that dogs only see in black and white.

Tip 3 - Canine Body Language

Published:  | Submitted by John Smiley | permalink
Canine Body Language

Dogs are very expressive animals. They communicate when they’re feeling happy, sad, nervous, fearful and angry, and they use their faces and bodies to convey much of this information. Dog body language is an elaborate and sophisticated...

Tip 4 - Signs That Show Your Dog Respects You

Published:  | Submitted by Hu Kabir | permalink
Signs That Show Your Dog Respects You

By Linda Cole The loyalty of our dogs cannot be questioned; they will stand by us through thick and thin. Dogs can be well behaved and guard our homes and
Tags: does my dog respect me, alpha dog, alpha leader in dogs, leader of the pack in dogs, loyalty and respect from a dog, ,alpha dog,body language of dogs,canidae,linda cole,pack leader

Tip 5 - Is Your Dog Happy To See You? Here's How To Tell

Published:  | Submitted by Steve Massey | permalink
Is Your Dog Happy To See You? Here's How To Tell

Do they like you? Or do they just like your treats?

Tip 6 - Here's How Your Dog 'Sees' A Whole Other World With His Nose

Published:  | Submitted by FG Mauoi | permalink
Here's How Your Dog 'Sees' A Whole Other World With His Nose

You already know that dogs' sense of smell is way keener than our own. But just how keen their sense of smell is might come as a surprise. As explained in a fascinating new TED-Ed video (above), i
Tags: here's, how, your, dog, 'sees', a, whole, other, world, with, his, super-powered, nose, science

Tip 7 - 11 things humans do that dogs hate

Published:  | Submitted by Bruce Boore | permalink
11 things humans do that dogs hate

If you want to be your dog's best friend, find out how you can fix these common and annoying habits.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

7.4k+ Reads
7 Tips
7 Votes
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