Tip - How to Throw a Bachelorette Party that Doesn't Suck

Published  | Submitted by Dan Brink
How to Throw a Bachelorette Party that Doesn't Suck

Chances are that at some point in your life, you'll be asked to stand up as Maid of Honor at a friend or relative's wedding. And while the travails of bridesmaidery are vast and varied, one of the more tricky feats involved in being the Maid of Honor is planning a bachelorette party that isn't embarrassing while it's occurring. With wedding season careening toward us, let's doff our penis hats and learn how to plan a premarital party that's fun rather than friendship-ruining.
Tags: Social minefield, Bachelorette parties, Top, Fb, Jezebel

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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