How to Trade in Your Car With Negative Equity

How to Trade in Your Car With Negative Equity – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Trade in Your Car With Negative Equity. This topic was created by Laurel Kennedy and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Get Out of an Upside Down Car Loan with Negative Equity

Published:  | Submitted by saas 1919 | permalink
How to Get Out of an Upside Down Car Loan with Negative Equity

In the housing industry, it's called "negative equity." In the automotive industry it's called being "upside down." In both cases, it means the same thing: You owe more money on an asset than the a...

Tip 2 - How to Refinance Car Loan for Better Result

Published:  | Submitted by Dollarchap | permalink

Why should you refinance car loan? Are you contemplating on refinancing your car loan? Possibly you are already thinking about how rigorous it was for you when you applied for your existing car loan. You are already scared of starting and going through the process again. Well, the good news is that, it is easier to refinance car loan than you might ever imagine than to get new car loan.  <a class="more-link" href="">Continue Reading<span class="screen-reader-text">How to Refinance Car Loan for Better Result</span><span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a>

Tags: refinance car loan, refinance auto loan, car refinancing, refinance a car, car loan refinancing, auto loan refinancing

Tip 3 - Upside Down and Under Water on a Car Loan |

Published:  | Submitted by Rob Kemp | permalink
Upside Down and Under Water on a Car Loan |

Tags: Being Upside Down, Cars,

Tip 4 - Why Negative Equity With Car Loans Might Not Matter

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Zapinski | permalink
Why Negative Equity With Car Loans Might Not Matter

Negative equity can be a scary thought and predicament. Many people understand negative equity in other markets. They think of the housing market and other...

Tip 5 - How Do I Buy A Car When I'm Upside Down On My Current Loan?

Published:  | Submitted by Neko Con | permalink
How Do I Buy A Car When I'm Upside Down On My Current Loan?

I desperately need a new car, the one that I have is becoming an unreliable money pit. The problem is I owe $4000 more than it is worth. I have no cash for a down-payment, but I can handle $350 per month. How do I get into another vehicle and break the cycle of being underwater on a car loan?
Tags: ask car buying, financing, loans, used cars, new cars, car buying, shutterstock, The Garage

Tip 6 - Leasing to Hide Negative Equity by

Published:  | Submitted by Matthew Lovell | permalink
Leasing to Hide Negative Equity by

Leasing may provide a good way to cover negative loan equity in a car trade deal, assuming the amount is not too great. It produces the lowest payments.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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