How to Transfer From a Computer to TV Via USB

How to Transfer From a Computer to TV Via USB – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Transfer From a Computer to TV Via USB. This topic was created by Roberto Pimenta and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Easily connect a laptop to TV with HDMI

Published:  | Submitted by krishnan govindan | permalink
Easily connect a laptop to TV with HDMI

If you have the right cable or hardware then it's easy to watch iPlayer or any other video from your laptop on your TV. We show you how to connect your laptop to a TV.
Tags: s-video,advisor,digital,dvi,hdmi,pc,windows,vga,digital-home,laptop

Tip 2 - View PC desktop on TV via USB

Published:  | Submitted by Angel Larah | permalink
View PC desktop on TV via USB

Our Helproom Expert explains how to use your TV as a large monitor for your PC or laptop.
Tags: digital-home,pc-peripheral

Tip 3 - How to Transfer From a Computer to TV Via USB | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by ROMUALD THUILLIER | permalink
How to Transfer From a Computer to TV Via USB | eHow

Chances are you have a lot of photographs and images stored on your computer. It's likely those digital photographs would look even better on your television set. With the right equipment, you can transfer vacation photos to your television and create a one-of-a-kind slide show that friends and family members are sure to love.

Tip 4 - How to Connect PC to TV

Published:  | Submitted by Joey Barnes | permalink
How to Connect PC to TV

Some early personal computers used TV sets as monitors because they came without monitors. The images displayed were simple and of low quality. Now, with the large quantity of video available on the Internet, as well as the introduction of...
Tags: WikiHow, Connect PC to TV, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - How to Connect Your Computer to Your TV

Published:  | Submitted by Troy Goff | permalink
How to Connect Your Computer to Your TV

If you know your technology you probably know how to connect it to your television, but for those who are new to the frequently-changing inputs and outputs there may be a bit of confusion about how it all works. Here's a look at the different kinds of cables and adapters you need to connect your computer to your television and how to use them. You can follow Adam Dachis, the author of this post, on and . If you'd like to contact him, is the most effective means of doing so.
Tags: Emailable Tech Support, Video Cables, Cables, TV, Computer, Input Output, Video, Hdmi, Vga, Dvi, audio video, 101, Top, Lifehacker

Tip 6 - Why You Should Connect a PC to Your TV (Don’t Worry; It’s Easy!)

Published:  | Submitted by Bernard Drost | permalink
Why You Should Connect a PC to Your TV (Don’t Worry; It’s Easy!)

Connecting a PC to your TV is dead simple. All you’ll usually need is an HDMI cable, and then you can access every media service, streaming site, and PC game — on your TV.

Tip 7 - How to Connect a laptop or PC to your TV with an RGB cable

Published:  | Submitted by R Brown LSN | permalink
How to Connect a laptop or PC to your TV with an RGB cable

In this Electronics video tutorial you will learn how to connect a laptop or PC to your TV with an RGB cable. Take your RGB cable and plug it in to the back of the TV as shown in the video. You can also do this with the HDMI cable. Now take other end of the RGB cable and plug it in to the laptop or PC. Then you right click on your desktop, go down to graphics options > output to > monitor. Now you have to change the input to your TV. This will depend on the make and model of your TV. Once that is done you have a big size monitor.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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