How to Travel to Bali And Indonesia

How to Travel to Bali And Indonesia – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Travel to Bali And Indonesia. This topic was created by Michael Kasbohm and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - finding the cheapest flights

Published:  | Submitted by Clarice Gorenstein | permalink
finding the cheapest flights

Cheap Flights to Bali: Enter your dates once and have TripAdvisor search multiple sites to find the best prices on Bali flights.
Tags: flights to Bali, discount airfare to Bali, cheap flights, discount airfare, Bali, Indonesia

Tip 2 - Bali & Lombok - Lonely Planet

Published:  | Submitted by newbi | permalink

The mere mention of Bali evokes thoughts of a paradise. It's more than a place; it's a mood, an aspiration, a tropical state of mind. Bali's...

Tip 3 - 13 tips for travelling to Bali if you are a newbie

Published:  | Submitted by Hendru 00e 9 Fourie | permalink
13 tips for travelling to Bali if you are a newbie

Considering a trip to Bali and never been? These tips for travelling to Bali if you are a newbie may help.

Tip 4 - How to Travel to Bali Island

Published:  | Submitted by Loredana Rossi | permalink
How to Travel to Bali Island

Known as the "happy island," Bali is an Indonesian island just 2 km off of the island of Java. The island is abundant with flowers, lush vegetation and smiling faces more than willing to ...

Tip 5 - World’s Best Trip: Bali, Indonesia

Published:  | Submitted by Nick France | permalink

The Trip

Tip 6 - Traveling to Bali by plane and boat | Bali Guide

Published:  | Submitted by aka Richi | permalink

Direct flights from Australia, Asia and Europe, speed boats, ferries from Lombok, Java. Bali can be reached

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

4k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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