How to Treat Dog Bites

How to Treat Dog Bites – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Treat Dog Bites. This topic was created by detlef Hehemann and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Dog Bites: Preventing Infections and Treating Injuries

Published:  | Submitted by Ravinder Sood | permalink
Dog Bites: Preventing Infections and Treating Injuries

WebMD explains dog bites, including how to avoid them and what to do if you are bitten by a dog.
Tags: dog bite, dog bites, infection from dog bites, infections, treatments, children, approaching a dog, rabies, rabies shot, injuries, tetanus shot, injury, first aid, suture, surgery

Tip 2 - First aid for dog bites

Published:  | Submitted by Jeroen Tegelaar | permalink
First aid for dog bites

Most dog bites are minor and simple to treat but what should you do for a severe dog bite?
Tags: dog bite, injury, first aid

Tip 3 - Dog Bite: Get Treatment and Prevention Information

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Hollingsworth | permalink
Dog Bite: Get Treatment and Prevention Information

Information about dog bite treatment, prevention, and when to seek medical care if you or someone you care about is bitten by a dog.

Tip 4 - What to do if you're bitten by a dog

Published:  | Submitted by Anna Colombo | permalink

Dog bites can happen for a lot of reasons, from a puppy in the teething stage nipping you to an attack by a strange dog on the street. When dealing with dog bites, there are certain steps to take, but what to do depends upon the circumstances and severity of the injury. Here’s our advice on dealing with dog bites, starting with what to do in every case.

Tip 5 - How to treat dog bite wounds

Published:  | Submitted by Kieron Thorpe | permalink

Bite wounds are a common cause of trauma in dogs and typically result from altercations with other dogs, cats and wildlife. Bite wounds are puncture wounds and while they may appear small they can spell big trouble for your dog. Their deceptive nature lies in the fact that while the external wound can be small, the same wound can be deep, extending through the skin and into the subcutaneous tissues and muscles. There is a high risk of infection with bite wounds because of the numerous bacteria that are normally harbored in an animal’s mouth.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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