How to Treat Iliotibial Band Syndrome

How to Treat Iliotibial Band Syndrome – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Treat Iliotibial Band Syndrome. This topic was created by Woody Woodrum and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Get the Facts on Treatment

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Koike | permalink
Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Get the Facts on Treatment

Iliotibial band syndrome is an overuse injury of the thigh and knee. Read about treatment, stretches, exercises, diagnosis, and prevention of IT band syndrome.

Tip 2 - How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

Published:  | Submitted by Fast Track Albert Laptop Coe 2 Duo 20 Ghz | permalink
How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

The same tired injury prevention advice isn't going to cure an IT band injury in most cases. Instead, proactive and aggressive injury treatment is needed to get healthy and cure your ITBS for good.

Tip 3 - ITBS

Published:  | Submitted by Warski Wojciech | permalink

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common overuse injuries among runners. It occurs when the iliotibial band, the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin, is tight or inflamed. The IT band attaches to the knee and helps stabilize and move the joint. When the IT band isn't working properly, movement of the knee (and, therefore, running) becomes painful. IT band pain can be severe enough to completely sideline a runner for weeks, or even longer. Identifying symptoms of ITBS Because the most notable symptom is typically swelling and pain on the outside of the knee, many runners mistakenly think they have a knee injury. The best way to tell if you have ITBS is to bend your knee at a 45-degree angle. If you have an IT band problem, you'll feel pain on the outside of the knee. Additionally, sometimes an MRI can confirm whether your injury can be diagnosed as ITBS. An X-ray will usually produce negative results, but an MRI can show a partial thickening of the band -- which results from inflammation. Common causes of ITBS ITB syndrome can result from any activity that causes the leg to turn inward repeatedly. This can include wearing worn-out shoes, running downhill or on banked surfaces, running too many track workouts in the same direction, or simply running too many miles. Unlike many overuse injuries, however, IT band pain afflicts seasoned runners almost as much as beginners. When the iliotibial band comes near the knee, it becomes narrow, and rubbing can occur between the band and the bone. This causes inflammation. Iliotibial Band Syndrome is more common in women, possibly because some women's hips tilt in a way that causes their knees to turn in Prevention of ITBS Here are some steps you can take to prevent iliotibial band syndrome: Most importantly, always decrease your mileage or take a few days off if you feel pain on the outside of your knee. Walk a quarter- to half-mile before you start your runs. Make sure your shoes aren't worn along the outside of the sole. If they are, replace them. Run in the middle of the road where it's flat. (To do this safely, you'll need to find roads with little or no traffic and excellent visibility.) Don't run on concrete surfaces. When running on a track, change directions repeatedly. Schedule an evaluation by a podiatrist to see if you need orthotics. Treatment of ITBS Once you notice ITB pain, the best way to get rid of it for good is to rest immediately. That means fewer miles, or no running at all. In the majority of runners, resting immediately will prevent pain from returning. If you don't give yourself a break from running, ITBS can become chronic. While you're backing off on your mileage, you can cross-train. Swimming, pool running, cycling, and rowing are all fine. Stair-climbing is not, because it is too much like running. Side stretches will also help, as will ice or heat, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation with topical cortisone. If your ITB problem doesn't get better after several weeks, seek help from a sports-medicine professional. You may need a cortisone injection to break up scar tissue and help speed healing. But cortisone presents its own risks, as it can weaken ligaments and tendons. Consider cortisone injections as a "second-to-last resort." Your last resort is surgery to release and mobilize the IT band. Runner's World Video: IT Band Syndrome Inside the Doctor's Office: ITB Inside the Doctor's Office with Dr. Jordan Metzl Dr. Metzl breaks down what IT Band Syndrome is, how to prevent it, and how to cure it. IronStrength Workout: Plyometric Jump Squats Perform 6-8 sets of 15 Plyometric Jump Squats. IronStrength Workout: Planks and Stretching Hold a Left Arm Plank, Center Plank, & Right Arm Plank for a minute each. Foam Roller: IT Band Lie on your side with the roller near your hip. Move along your outer thigh while slightly leaning forward. For added stability, bend your top leg and rest your foot on the floor. Add pressure by stacking your legs. Most Common Running Injuries Achilles Tendinitis Blisters Chafing Foot Pain Hip Pain Plantar Fasciitis Runner's Knee Shin Splints Stress Fracture
Tags: ITBS, Illiotibial Band Syndrome

Tip 4 - Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Find Symptoms and Exercises

Published:  | Submitted by Olivier Mirat | permalink
Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Find Symptoms and Exercises

Iliotibial band syndrome causes symptoms such as knee pain and tenderness when walking, running or using stairs. Read about diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injury to the IT band.

Tip 5 - Ask The Running Doc: How Do I Get Rid Of IT Band Syndrome? -

Published:  | Submitted by Darryl Murphy | permalink
Ask The Running Doc: How Do I Get Rid Of IT Band Syndrome? -

The Running Doc, Lewis G. Maharam, gives advice for getting rid of IT Band syndrome, a common running injury.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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