With the warm weather of summer just around the corner, many areas of the country are already heating up! Dogs, in general, are intolerant of too much heat. Because of this, it is crucial that you're aware of the signs of heat stress or heat stroke, and how to treat them if they occur. Knowing exactly what to do when your pooch gets overheated, and immediate action can save his life. A Brief Overview Heatstroke normally happens when a dog loses his innate ability to regulate his body temperature. Dogs do not sweat all over their bodies the way humans do. Their body temperature is chiefly regulated by respiration such as panting. If a pooch’s respiratory tract fails to clear heat quickly enough, heatstroke may take place. If an animal experiences heatstroke, you may notice hyperventilation, excessive panting, dry gums that become pale, increased salivation, erratic or rapid pulse, confusion, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and possibly rectal bleeding. If the dog …
Posted: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago
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