How to Turn Off User Account Controls (UAC) In Windows Vista

How to Turn Off User Account Controls (UAC) In Windows Vista – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Turn Off User Account Controls (UAC) In Windows Vista. This topic was created by Ken Pace and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Turn User Account Control on or off - Windows Help

Published:  | Submitted by Sven Olsson | permalink
Turn User Account Control on or off - Windows Help

Learn how to set the User Account Control that notifies you when changes that require administrator-level permissions are made to your computer.

Tip 2 - How do I change the behavior of the User Account Control message?

Published:  | Submitted by Keghia | permalink
How do I change the behavior of the User Account Control message?

Choose among Elevate without prompting, Prompt for credentials, or Prompt for consent when the User Account Control message appears.

Tip 3 - Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7, 8, or Vista

Published:  | Submitted by Vivek Mahan | permalink
Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7, 8, or Vista

I’ve previously written about a way to enable or disable UAC from the command line. This is an easier method that you can use to do the same thing from the GUI interface in either Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or Vista. To recap my earlier article, UAC is ANNOYING.

Tip 4 - Enable or Disable UAC From the Windows 7, 8, or Vista Command Line

Published:  | Submitted by Inpactfumoffu | permalink
Enable or Disable UAC From the Windows 7, 8, or Vista Command Line

If you’ve used Windows Vista for more than 3.7 minutes, you know what UAC (User Account Control) is.. it’s the obnoxious, nagging popup window that will be your life for the next 3-5 years unless you switch back to XP in frustration, or to a better OS like… OS X, Suse, Ubuntu, or even XP.

Tip 5 - How can I disable the User Account Control (UAC) feature on my Windows Vista computer?

Published:  | Submitted by Simon Mawer | permalink

Windows Vista has the built-in ability to automatically reduce the potential of security breaches in the system. It does that by automatically enabling a feature called User Account Control (or UAC for short). The UAC forces users that are part of the local administrators group to run like they were regular users with no administrative […]

Tip 6 - Windows Vista Tip: Disable annoying "Need your permission to continue-" prompts

Published:  | Submitted by u 05d 7u 05d 5u 05d 2 u 05d 0u 05d 4u 05e 8u 05d 5u 05df | permalink
Windows Vista Tip: Disable annoying "Need your permission to continue-" prompts

Windows Vista's User Account Control security "feature" - which I like to call Sir Obnoxious Naggy McNag - is bound to drive any power user batty within an hour of downloading, installing and configuring your favorite programs. If you hate Vista for asking you every single time you try to do something if you're sure you want to, then disable User Account Control. The How-To Geek's got the details:
Tags: Vista, Gizmodo, Security, Top, Windows Vista, Lifehacker

Tip 7 - How to Turn Off User Account Control In Windows Vista

Published:  | Submitted by Enteric Stephane | permalink
How to Turn Off User Account Control In Windows Vista

User Account Control is a feature designed to help stop unauthorized changes to your computer. With User Account Control, a more secure desktop is made. However, there are some limitations. Read on to find out how to turn off User Account...
Tags: WikiHow, Turn Off User Account Control In Windows Vista, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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