How to Understand Hash Encoding

How to Understand Hash Encoding – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Understand Hash Encoding. This topic was created by ufopoland and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Encoding vs. Encryption vs. Hashing

Published:  | Submitted by Karim Hamza | permalink
Encoding vs. Encryption vs. Hashing

Encoding is often confused with encryption and hashing. They are not the same. But before I go into the differences, I'll first mention how they relate: Al

Tip 2 - Understanding Hash Functions and Keeping Passwords Safe - Tuts+ Code Tutorial

Published:  | Submitted by Steven Crower | permalink
Understanding Hash Functions and Keeping Passwords Safe - Tuts+ Code Tutorial

From time to time, servers and databases are stolen or compromised. With this in mind, it is important to ensure that some crucial user data, such as passwords, can not be recovered. Today, we are going to learn the basics behind hashing and what it takes to protect passwords in your web applications. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Short; Tags: PHP, Web Development

Tip 3 - How are passwords stored in Linux (Understanding hashing with shadow utils)

Published:  | Submitted by None 53 | permalink

Understanding how are passwords in linux stored securely. /etc/shadow file working in linux explained along with the uses of hash and salt value in storing passwords.

Tip 4 - Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

Published:  | Submitted by Nuncita Cherry | permalink
Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

I see a lot of confusion between hashes and encryption algorithms and I would like to hear some more expert advice about: When to use hashes vs encryptions What makes a hash or encryption algorithm

Tip 5 - How is a password hash encoded in the shadow password file?

Published:  | Submitted by Krista Ferrell | permalink
How is a password hash encoded in the shadow password file?

I'm learning about Linux password security (more curiosity than anything useful), and I understand that the real password is hashed and stored in the shadow password file. What I'm not sure of, and

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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