Tip - How to Use Blogging to Market Your Freelance Business - Tuts+ Business Article

Published  | Submitted by Flu 00e 1vio Rebustini
How to Use Blogging to Market Your Freelance Business - Tuts+ Business Article

You may have started off your freelancing career like I did by picking up one large client and a couple of small ones right off the bat. This worked for awhile until my husband lost his job and I suddenly needed to bring in enough to make up for his income. Fortunately, he joined me in my freelancing endeavors, and added his marketing expertise to my business.
 Like many of our fellow freelancers, though, we didn't have any extra money to put toward marketing expenses. We had to find a way to get the word out about our content writing business, for free and as quickly as possible. Social media and blogging (these two go hand in hand, as I'll point out below) became the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way for us to gain new freelance writing gigs.
 While my husband had some experience in social media, our use of blogging as a marketing medium involved quite a bit of trial and error. Even so, we suddenly found ourselves acquiring new clients, so many, in fact, that we had to become selective and only partner with those clients willing to pay what we needed to get our bills paid. We became highly desired experts in our freelancing field almost overnight it seemed without spending hardly a penny.
 If you find yourself needing to market your freelancing business but are not sure where to start or how to do so without wasting your limited cash, blogging is the best way to accomplish this goal.
 If you find yourself needing to market your freelancing business but are not sure where to start or how to do so without wasting your limited cash, blogging is the best way to accomplish this goal. However, you do not need to stumble around in the dark, so to speak, as my husband and I did when learning how to market your blog. 
 The following overview and tips should provide you with most, if not all, of the knowledge you need to get started with blogging. Most of the tips are from my own experience. A few are resources I wish I had known but only just discovered in my own research for this guide, which means that they are now definitely part of my own blogging process.
 For easier understanding and readability, I have divided up this guide into 3 main types of blogging. You can do all three types or only start off with one, which is what my husband and I did due to lack of time. Before discussing the types of blogging and specific tips for each, I will discuss blogging techniques that apply to all and finally end with advice on using social media tips to reinforce your blogging efforts. Let's dive in! | Tags: Marketing, Blogging, Freelance

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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