How to Use Choice Choose and Chose Correctly

How to Use Choice Choose and Chose Correctly – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Use Choice Choose and Chose Correctly. This topic was created by Sandra Isart and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - #1 Grammar and Spell checker

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Harbin | permalink
#1 Grammar and Spell checker

Improve your English using wisdom of crowds
Tags: Grammar, Spell, Proofreading, Text to Speech, Learning English, English Writing, Dyslexia, English as a Second Language, Learning Difficulties

Tip 2 - Common Mistakes in English: CHOOSE, CHOSE, CHOICE

Published:  | Submitted by curseddagger | permalink
Common Mistakes in English: CHOOSE, CHOSE, CHOICE

I always hear my students mixing up the noun and the verb when speaking about choice! Now, you can learn the difference.

Tip 3 - How to Use Choice, Choose and Chose Correctly | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by wgragg | permalink
How to Use Choice, Choose and Chose Correctly | eHow

The words "choice," "choose" and "chose" are all related, having to do with the act of picking or deciding on something, but they are used differently. "Choice" is a noun that refers to the act of picking something or the options available to be picked. "Choose" and "chose" are verbs, the...

Tip 4 - "I have chosen," "I choose," or "I am choosing"?

Published:  | Submitted by Mikey Van B Ibber | permalink
"I have chosen," "I choose," or "I am choosing"?

In a week time I'm taking an exam. I want to know whether I can say 'I have chosen' or not. It is present perfect too. The task is: You would like to go on a party. Look at the picture and dec...

Tip 5 - "Choose among" vs. "choose from"

Published:  | Submitted by mark guimaraes | permalink
"Choose among" vs. "choose from"

I am unsure on when to use from instead of among and vice versa. Here is the question that I missed on an exam: The man had to choose [__] 6 ties for the interview. I chose from which

Tip 6 - Confused Words: Choose, Chose - English Essay Writing

Published:  | Submitted by Nanette Wiedl | permalink

Whoa! There is something wrong in that title. Can you see what it is? Let's get some idea of how to make the correct choice between “chose” and “choose.”

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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