How to Ways to Make Money During Unemployed - Temporary or Long Term

How to Ways to Make Money During Unemployed - Temporary or Long Term – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Ways to Make Money During Unemployed - Temporary or Long Term. This topic was created by Zsolt Ruszin and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Reasons to Take A Temporary Job

Published:  | Submitted by Cristinna Patsch | permalink
10 Reasons to Take A Temporary Job

While the gig may have a short duration, taking it could prove a smart move in the long run.
Tags: careers,Bureau of Labor Statistics,unemployment,recession,picks,Aaron Guerrero

Tip 2 - Surviving financially when you're unemployed

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Candoo | permalink
Surviving financially when you're unemployed

When you lose your job, you may have to put yourself on a financial diet. Just as losing weight is simple if you eat less (and exercise more), staying afloat financially is simple if you spend less. Is this process going to be easy? No, of course not. But it can be done with a little self-discipline, some creativity, and a lot of planning.

Tip 3 - Surviving Long-Term Unemployment: A Mother's Story - DailyFinance

Published:  | Submitted by pdhn 8580 | permalink
Surviving Long-Term Unemployment: A Mother's Story - DailyFinance

A report shows that there are still three times as many children living with parents who've been unemployed more than six months as there were in 2007, before the recession.

Tip 4 - Long-term unemployed describe lack of mobility, depression in personal stories

Published:  | Submitted by Odette Beaupru 00e 9 | permalink
Long-term unemployed describe lack of mobility, depression in personal stories

As part of PBS NewsHour's coverage of the long-term jobless, we gathered personal stories from Americans who have lost their emergency unemployment benefits since the turn of the new year. NewsHour received hundreds of submissions from people age 23 to 68, from Aurora, Colo., to New York City.

Tip 5 - The ghosts of America's long-term unemployed

Published:  | Submitted by Hatem Shalaan | permalink
The ghosts of America's long-term unemployed

The government stops tracking jobless Americans after six months, though they face a future of sporadic, part-time work
Tags: US personal finance,US unemployment and employment statistics,Unemployment,US economy,US politics

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