How to Wear a Kippah

How to Wear a Kippah – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Wear a Kippah. This topic was created by Chris Carnright and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How does a kippah stay on?

Published:  | Submitted by nihar kar | permalink
How does a kippah stay on?

JewishFilter: how do Jewish people wear a kippah (aka yarmulke) without it falling off every ten seconds? We're just talking about this at work, Google fails us, and we can't figure it out, it...

Tip 2 - Ask the Expert: Which Kippah Should I Wear?

Published:  | Submitted by Jacobine van den Hoek | permalink
Ask the Expert: Which Kippah Should I Wear?

Question: Despite having Jewish ancestry, I never really observed the religion until during the last several months. There is obviously so much I have ...

Tip 3 - I’d Feel Hypocritical Wearing a Kippah Full-Time . . .

Published:  | Submitted by Lori Suchomski | permalink
I’d Feel Hypocritical Wearing a Kippah Full-Time . . .

Tags: I’d,Feel,Hypocritical,Wearing,a,Kippah,Full-Time . . . Hypocrisy Kipah (Head Covering), The

Tip 4 - Why Do We Wear a Kippah?

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Maiworm | permalink
Why Do We Wear a Kippah?

The tradition to wear a <I>kippah</I> developed as a sign of our recognition that there is Someone “above” us who watches our every action . . .
Tags: Why,Do,We,Wear,a,Kippah? Kipah (Head Covering), The

Tip 5 - How to Wear a Yarmulke

Published:  | Submitted by Jose Lillo | permalink
How to Wear a Yarmulke

A yarmulke, often called by its Hebrew name "keepah" or sometimes referred to as a skullcap, is considered in traditional Judaism as a barrier between the individual wearing it and God. Typically worn by observant Jewish men and boys,...
Tags: WikiHow, Wear a Yarmulke, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

9.4k+ Reads
5 Tips
5 Votes
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