How to Work With Your Bank to Lower Your Mortgage

How to Work With Your Bank to Lower Your Mortgage – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Work With Your Bank to Lower Your Mortgage. This topic was created by Benjamin Stephens and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Work With a Bank to Lower Your Mortgage

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Gregory | permalink
How to Work With a Bank to Lower Your Mortgage

Homeowners who are having financial troubles perhaps due to an illness or a job layoff can find it increasingly difficult to make their monthly mortgage payments on time. The Federal Trade Commission ...

Tip 2 - Four ways to lower your mortgage rate

Published:  | Submitted by kristin bloomquist | permalink
Four ways to lower your mortgage rate

If you’re looking to save some money, look no further than your mortgage. After all, that loan is probably your biggest monthly expense -- and rates are at record lows.

Tip 3 - Get a Better Mortgage Rate Without Refinancing

Published:  | Submitted by ANN CUNNIFF | permalink
Get a Better Mortgage Rate Without Refinancing

Some lenders may be willing to reduce their interest rate without changing other mortgage terms to keep a good borrower from refinancing elsewhere.
Tags: Investing,Personal Finance,Interest rate,lenders,mortgage rates,Refinancing

Tip 4 - Lowering interest rate w/o refinancing?

Published:  | Submitted by Ken Minor | permalink
Lowering interest rate w/o refinancing?

If I tell the bank who issued my mortgage that I am thinking about refinancing elsewhere, will they offer to lower my interest rate to stay? Does this ever happen?

Tip 5 - Four ways to negotiate a better deal with your bank

Published:  | Submitted by Kees van Dorp | permalink

Keen to access a better interest rate, more flexibility and extra features on your home loan? Save yourself the hassle and the paperwork and instead of refinancing, negotiate with your current lender for a better deal.

Tip 6 - Five Ways To Lower Your Mortgage Payment

Published:  | Submitted by joblinux | permalink
Five Ways To Lower Your Mortgage Payment

There are two kinds of homebuyers: those for whom the sales price is the main consideration, and those who are mostly concerned with what it will cost them per month. If you've already bought a house, there isn't anything you can do about the sales price. But there may be ways to lower what you shell out monthly.
Tags: Real Estate News, Real Estate Market, Advice, Buying a Home, Selling a Home, Market Conditions, Housing Market, Foreclosure, Short Sale, Mortgage, Interest Rates, Square Footage, Fast Sale, Selling Tips, Home Selling Tips, Curb Appeal, Home Staging, Home Improvements, Escrow, Listings, Home Ownership, Taxes, Property Taxes, Capital Gains, IRS, Fair Housing, Zoning, Homeowners Insurance, Tips, Commission, Apartments, Renting

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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