How to Write an Effective To-Do List

How to Write an Effective To-Do List – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Write an Effective To-Do List. This topic was created by Martin Dowson and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Five Best To-Do List Tips

Published:  | Submitted by adamweightman | permalink
Five Best To-Do List Tips

As an entrepreneur, how can you be productive and ensure that you are focusing on the right areas? Every entrepreneur is a self-starter; it tends to come with the territory. Being an entrepreneur also means that you don’t necessarily have a daily playbook to follow. Many entrepreneurs are breaking new [...]
Tags: Business,Entrepreneurs,Leadership,Lifestyle,Management,Small Business Strategies,Energy,focus,productivity,time management,to-do list

Tip 2 - How to Write an Effective To-Do List

Published:  | Submitted by ksutton | permalink
How to Write an Effective To-Do List

I remember trying out my first hour-by-hour schedule to help me get things done when I was 10. Wasn’t really my thing. I’ve since retired the hourly schedule, but I still rely on a daily to-do list. I went through the same motions every night in university....
Tags: brief history,charles schwab,daily to do list,day timers,early 1900s,economic efficiency,factories,habit,ivy lee,motions,period of time,priority,productivity,public relations,reminders,sheer immensity,short period,state of paralysis,steel tycoon,struggle,unfinished tasks

Tip 3 - 5 Ways to Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective

Published:  | Submitted by Gordon Wingate | permalink
5 Ways to Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective

If your daily task list has become a compilation of things you never get done, use these tips to make it work for you.
Tags: robert c. pozen,brookings institution,harvard business school,productivity tool,high-energy time

Tip 4 - To-Do Lists: The Key to Efficiency

Published:  | Submitted by Rocio Conejo | permalink
To-Do Lists: The Key to Efficiency

Learn how to use a Prioritized To-Do List to manage tasks effectively. Our free template will help you get everything done, in the right order.

Tip 5 - Why “To-Do” Lists Don’t Work, and How to Change That

Published:  | Submitted by Todd Proulx | permalink
Why “To-Do” Lists Don’t Work, and How to Change That

Do you not only feel stressed and overwhelmed with all the things you need to do but also clueless how to improve your situation? Keep reading...

Tip 6 - Important: how to write a to-do list - Crew Blog

Published:  | Submitted by kotek | permalink
Important: how to write a to-do list - Crew Blog

I remember trying out my first hour-by-hour schedule to help me get things done when I was 10. Wasn’t really my thing. I’ve since retired the hourly schedule, but I still rely on a daily to-list. I went through the …

Tip 7 - How to Make Your To-Do List Doable

Published:  | Submitted by Williw | permalink
How to Make Your To-Do List Doable

There's no better feeling than checking something off your to-do list. Done! Finished! Mission accomplished! Yet it's so easy to let a whole day or week go by without knocking one task off your list. How does that happen? Well, your to-do list can be a tool that guides you through your work, or it can be a big fat pillar of undone time bombs taunting you and your unproductive inadequacy. It all depends on how you write it.
Tags: Productivity, Procrastination, todos, To-Dos, Email, Email apps, Feature, To Do Managers, To do list, Top, task management, Geek to Live, Lifehacker

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

13.1k+ Reads
7 Tips
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