How to Write the Opening of a Magazine Article

How to Write the Opening of a Magazine Article – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Write the Opening of a Magazine Article. This topic was created by Stanford Silverman and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Write a Magazine Article

Published:  | Submitted by Tonny Van Loon | permalink
How to Write a Magazine Article

A magazine article is a piece of non-fiction writing targeted at a specific interest group. Writers who have magazine features or articles published in magazines enjoy the benefit of seeing their by-lines and (in most cases) receiving...
Tags: WikiHow, Write a Magazine Article, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - Tips on Writing a Good Feature for Magazines

Published:  | Submitted by Renato Ampuero | permalink

Looking for some tips on writing a good feature for magazines? The key to writing a good feature article is to select the proper venue for your article and then to write the article directed at that audience.
Tags: creative writing,copy writing,copywriting,grammar,magazine,writing,tip on writing a good feature for magazine, magazine writing, feature writing, how do i write for a magazine,

Tip 3 - Basic tips for writing magazine articles

Published:  | Submitted by Jeremy W Colvin | permalink
Basic tips for writing magazine articles

I used to be a magazine editor and would entertain new writers looking for work all the time. Everyone thinks they can be Carrie Bradshaw, but not many of them put in the effort to warrant a second look. So if you’re new to magazine writing and want to distinguish yourself as a proper writer, here are some tips that might help you get past that crucial first email.Have some samples readyUsually when someone new asks me for some writing assignments, the first thing I’d want to do is read some samples. You wouldn’t hire a wedding photographer without seeing some of his/her sho

Tip 4 - The 15-Step Freelance Writers' Guide to Writing for Magazines - Tuts+ Business Article

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Schanck | permalink
The 15-Step Freelance Writers' Guide to Writing for Magazines - Tuts+ Business Article

Do you have this dream? You go down to your nearest big newsstand one day and check out all those big, glossy magazines. You flip one of your favorites open...and there's your byline.
 You've cracked the competitive world of writing for national magazines.
 The good news is, this is not a pipe dream. You can do this.
 There are no real qualifications for writing for magazines. I know people who have broken into major national magazines with no journalism-school degree, no newspaper reporting experience, and no previously published articles.
 Despite what you've heard about the impending death of print media, national magazines continue to thrive, and many pay well -- $1 a word and more.
 And yet, the vast majority of writers who try to query or submit articles to magazines get nowhere.
 How can you get your articles published in magazines? Here is my 15-step guide: | Tags: Writing, Freelance, Magazines, Planning, Pitching

Tip 5 - Eight Tips For Getting Published in Magazines

Published:  | Submitted by Claire Pichon | permalink
Eight Tips For Getting Published in Magazines

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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