Tip - How to be a great football fan

Published  | Submitted by neverman
How to be a great football fan

There are many ways that you can come about being a fan of a particular football team. Sometimes the tradition is passed down through generations and you are automatically expected to follow the same love of a specific team as your parents, their parents and their parent’s parents or be the butt of all jokes when you’re favourite team is losing or the black sheep when your team is winning. Sometimes you develop an interest in football from a young age and choose your favourite team from there, developing your loyalty based on the skills or personalities of the players. And then there are social fans, which choose to support a specific team usually out of convenience. Perhaps their friends all enjoy watching the games and it becomes a social event as well as a support of loyalty. … <a href="http://soccerlens.com/great-football-fan/140335/"><hr/><span class="readmore"><span class="readmoretext">Read More</span> <span class="meta-nav">→</span></span></a>

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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