How to become a boss employees love

I was just wondering what employees love in a boss. I have over 80 employees in my company and while I have a functional relationship with them, it would be good if I can actually get them to like me. So, any loved bosses here who can give me tips?

Tip 1 - Promote them each time they show improvement

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink

Promotion is a sign of appreciation each time your employee shows good improvements,

Think about it... Why are they working? To make money I've seen from personal experience - every time someone gets a promotion they show even more improvement because they know theres an actual benefit to working hard for the company and they cant wait till the next time they get promoted.

More benefits of promotion:

> Proven loyalty to your company

> Less expensive to promote from within than get a new employee (advertise, training, time)

Last 2 points by: Deborah Sweeney (link below for more) 

Tip 2 - Try to show them that you understand their issues

Published:  | Submitted by Manny56 | permalink

Employees always want bosses who can understand their problems and issues. This encourages loyalty and trust, because employees feel they can trust their boss to be fair and reasonable whether it comes to workload or promotions.

Tip 3 - Buy them Ice Cream...

Published:  | Submitted by JJJ | permalink

Hey, I'm serious. It works... Don't judge try it ;) #MagicalIceCream

Tip 4 - Give your employees regular bonuses

Published:  | Submitted by Jamesmark | permalink

Bonuses can really keep your employees motivated and they will totally love their boss.

Tip 5 - Try to spend some time among them now and then

Published:  | Submitted by Adam | permalink

A good way to build a rapport with your employees is to spend some time with them now and then. This way you can also check on them personally and ask how things are. You taking interest in them will definitely make them like you more.

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Category: Careers & Work | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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