How to build a fuel heater.

How to build a fuel heater. – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to build a fuel heater.. This topic was created by Concluded One and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Mother's Alcohol Fuel Preheater

Published:  | Submitted by davidpadua | permalink
Mother's Alcohol Fuel Preheater

Adding a fuel preheater to your alcohol-powered vehicle improves combustion and can improve fuel economy. It should take about an hour to assemble and install the unit described here.
Tags: Fuel Preheater, Alcohol Fuel, Renewable Energy, Transfers Heat, Fuel Vaporization, Alcohol Vehicle, Alcohol Powered, Fuel Efficiency

Tip 2 - Make a Waste Oil Heater

Published:  | Submitted by Mikkel Elsborg | permalink
Make a Waste Oil Heater

With this waste oil heater you can heat a shop or garage, or even your home. The fuel is
Tags: Waste Oil Heater, Electric Water Heater, Thurmalox 270, Old Motor Oil, Used Motor Oil, DIY

Tip 3 - DIY Magnetic Heater That Doesn't Use Fuel - The Green Optimistic

Published:  | Submitted by Argimiro Peu 00f 1a | permalink
DIY Magnetic Heater That Doesn't Use Fuel - The Green Optimistic

This magnetic water heater is related to the transformation of magnetic energy and certain gases directly into heat energy without the use of ignition, as
Tags: Free Energy, heater, Magnetic Power, water, How to..., Magnetic Power

Tip 4 - How to build a Rocket Mass Heater

Published:  | Submitted by Leonardo de Su 00e 1 Pereira | permalink
How to build a Rocket Mass Heater

There are two main factors that differentiate a Rocket Mass Heater (RMH) from a regular wood-burning stove. One is that the combustion that takes plac...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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