How to buy seafood for cheap!

How to buy seafood for cheap! – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to buy seafood for cheap!. This topic was created by Marc Andrews and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 6 Ways to Buy and Prepare Cheap Seafood Recipes & Dishes on a Budget

Published:  | Submitted by Port Captain | permalink
6 Ways to Buy and Prepare Cheap Seafood Recipes & Dishes on a Budget

In my household, seafood is something we used to only buy on special occasions: lobster on Valentine's Day or wedding anniversaries, wild-caught salmon to celebrate a promotion or a raise at work, ...

Tip 2 - How can I eat more fish cheaply?

Published:  | Submitted by Myra Sirmons | permalink
How can I eat more fish cheaply?

I'd love to add more fish to my diet. But I can't afford salmon or tuna steaks or swordfish or any of that yuppie crap. I happen to live near a decent fish market. They sell all kinds of cheaper...

Tip 3 - Where to Buy Seafood for Cheap | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by annilation | permalink
Where to Buy Seafood for Cheap | eHow

Lean protein and healthy fats make seafood a top choice for a healthy meal. Unfortunately, seafood can be expensive and may not always be accessible for those on a budget. But you can still enjoy seafood as part of your diet if you employ some smart shopping techniques that may require a bit of investigation to find the best deals.

Tip 4 - 12 Places to Buy Quality Seafood (No Matter Where You Live)

Published:  | Submitted by Benou 00eet Charon | permalink
12 Places to Buy Quality Seafood (No Matter Where You Live)

Finding great seafood can be more difficult than the actual cooking itself. But through the internet and overnight shipping, good fresh seafood is available to everyone.

Tip 5 - Best Inexpensive Fish or Seafood for Grilling? — Good Questions

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Lichtenstein | permalink
Best Inexpensive Fish or Seafood for Grilling? — Good Questions

Q: I am hosting a BBQ for around 10 to 15 close friends. My boyfriend and I are pescatarian, and while I am open to inviting the carnivores in attendance to bring their own hot dogs or other meat, I want to make one "main" that everyone can eat, too. So I am looking for a fairly inexpensive fish (since I need to buy a lot of it) that will be good prepared in a simple way on the grill. Any thoughts and/or recipes? Sent by Arielle

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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