How to fight for Gay Rights

How to fight for Gay Rights – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to fight for Gay Rights. This topic was created by Mehran Senehi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Ways You Can Join the Fight for Gay Rights

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Gutting | permalink
10 Ways You Can Join the Fight for Gay Rights

Become an activist for gay rights by speaking out against bullying, registering to vote, signing a petition for same-sex marriage, and much more.

Tip 2 - LGBT Rights

Published:  | Submitted by PPC Nec Draw | permalink
LGBT Rights

The ACLU has a long history of defending the LGBT community. We brought our first LGBT rights case in 1936 and founded the LGBT Project in 1986. Today, the ACLU brings more LGBT cases and advocacy initiatives than any other national organization does. With our reach into the courts and legislatures of every state, there is no other organization that can match our record of making progress both in the courts of law and in the court of public opinion. Need help? Click here to fill out our confidential online form. For non-LGBT issues, please contact your local ACLU affiliate.

Tip 3 - Ways to Get Involved

Published:  | Submitted by Lida de Haan | permalink
Ways to Get Involved

The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters, joined together in common purpose. Our strength is a direct reflection of the willingness of these Americans to become personally involved in the fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. There are so many different ways to support HRC's work.

Tip 4 - Freedom to Marry

Published:  | Submitted by John Illman | permalink
Freedom to Marry

For further reading: [4]

Tip 5 - Gay Marriage: The Fight For Equality Dominates Social Media

Published:  | Submitted by Boris Westphal | permalink
Gay Marriage: The Fight For Equality Dominates Social Media

Equality goes viral as the Supreme Court starts to hear two historic marriage equality cases.
Tags: same-sex marriage, gay equality, gay marriage, gay rights, social media gay marriag, prop 8, equal sign for gay marriage,

Tip 6 - The American Gay Rights Movement: A Timeline

Published:  | Submitted by Sylvia Cavazos | permalink

The following timeline lists the significant events of the gay rights movement from 1924 to the present.
Tags: Gays, same sex, same sex marriage, Hay Harry, Homosexuality, Kinsey Alfred Lawrence v Texas Mattachine Society Romer Evans Stonewall riots Timelines gay rights The American Movement A Timeline civil unions|same sex Proposition 8 California

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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