How to fill your gas tank- Oregonians Want to Know!

How to fill your gas tank- Oregonians Want to Know! – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to fill your gas tank- Oregonians Want to Know!. This topic was created by Kathleen Bryce and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Oregonians and People in New Jersey Aren't Allowed to Pump Their Own Gas

Published:  | Submitted by Christophe de Carmoy | permalink
Oregonians and People in New Jersey Aren't Allowed to Pump Their Own Gas

In an era where full service gas pumping seems to be a thing of the past, Oregon not only still offers this type of service to its citizens but the “beaver state” also does not offer them any other choice – Oregonians are not allowed to pump their own gas! Of fifty states, only two do not allow “self-service dispensing of [...]

Tip 2 - A Guide to Getting Gas in Oregon | The Litter Box on

Published:  | Submitted by agus juharto | permalink
A Guide to Getting Gas in Oregon | The Litter Box on

Oregon and New Jersey are the only states where drivers cannot pump their own gas. Can NOT, as in it is actually against the law, for those who didn't quite understand it. In the short time I've had on this realm, I've held the job of "gas station attendant," or fueler of cars, trucks, motorcycles…

Tip 3 - Classifieds

Published:  | Submitted by Barbara Ingman | permalink

Tip 4 - Topping off gas tanks now banned in Oregon

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Freistat | permalink
Topping off gas tanks now banned in Oregon

The Associated PressIn this 2008 file photo, gas spills out as a customer tops off her fuel tank in Lawrence, Mass. An Oregon law banning topping off tanks goes into effect today. If you ask a gas station attendant to...

Tip 5 - Why New Jersey Doesn't Have Self-Servie Gas Stations

Published:  | Submitted by PLMKO | permalink
Why New Jersey Doesn't Have Self-Servie Gas Stations

Self-service gas? We’ll leave that chore to the rest of the country.

Tip 6 - How to Pump Gas

Published:  | Submitted by DONALD NISBETT | permalink
How to Pump Gas

Whether you're a new driver or live in an area where the law prohibits customers from pumping their own fuel, this is an important skill for driving in the modern world. While this article is aimed at beginners, experienced pumpers might...
Tags: WikiHow, Pump Gas, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

For further reading: [6]

Tip 7 - Why can't Oregonians pump their own gas? Let us count the reasons

Published:  | Submitted by Herman Nijenhuijs | permalink
Why can't Oregonians pump their own gas? Let us count the reasons

Oregon and New Jersey are the only remaining "Pump For Me States." Back in 1951, when Oregon first mandated that only trained station workers could put "Class 1 flammable liquids" into cars, the state apparently didn't want folks accidentally blowing things up.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

20.4k+ Reads
7 Tips
7 Votes
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