One of the things that people are most self-conscious about is bad breath in a social setting. Learning how to treat and better yet prevent bad breath from ever being an issue is liberating and good for your health.
People don't realise whilst brushing there teeth, brushing your tongue makes a huge difference don't go scrubbing hard just softly and I would not advise this method if you're using an electric toothbrush - turn it off and go manual.
"Xylitol" works to help your bacteria duplicating again and again in your mouth Xylitol is a type of sugar*
Brushing every day before bed and the normal in the morning is completely vital. At night you're eating your dinner/having a hot chocolate or whatever it is if you do not brush that's like leaving milk outside for 10 hours... the smell, even when brushing in the morning it will still somewhat remain.
Your Saliva comes with huge benefits as it physically washes bacteria, and carries antiseptic which has enzymes which kill of bacteria. Drinking water throughout the day reduces your chances of bad breath.
Several foods including parsley, green tea and nuts can do an incredibly effective job of masking your bad breath. Check out the link for a full list of the best foods for your breath.
Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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