How to get the attention of Industry influencers

We recently launched a startup company and I am in charge of marketing it. I know industry influencers can have a big impact on the success of any startup, so it would be really great if you guys can share any tips for getting the attention of industry influencers.

Tip 1 - Subject line is the Key it should be intriguing

Published:  | Submitted by Whatsup | permalink
Subject line is the Key it should be intriguing

Subject line is the Key it should be intriguing.

The subject line should be intriguing. This is the most important sentence or phrase in your whole message. Tell in few words what you are offering and why it is new and different. Avoid bombastic words like “news flash” and other old clichés. Get to the point without descriptive words like wonderful, awesome etc.

By: Aileen Pablo

Tip 2 - Start well before you actually want to contact them

Published:  | Submitted by Randy | permalink

You can't just expect to contact them one day and then have them respond to you. You need to start building it up way before you actually roll out your messages. Try reaching them earlier, sharing your views, asking for theirs, before you finally send them an e-mail.

Tip 3 - Regularly read their own blogs and posts and comment on them

Published:  | Submitted by Nina | permalink

All industry influencers have their own publications or blogs and you should be following them to get their attention. Comment on their posts, validate them when required and you will be in their eyes soon enough.

Tip 4 - Follow their social platforms and regularly comment/retweet

Published:  | Submitted by Bluejazz | permalink

A good way to get their attention is to follow their social profiles and comment regularly along with retweeting etc. This way they will at least know you before you reach out to them.

Tip 5 - Always seek their permission before presenting your proposal

Published:  | Submitted by Adam | permalink

A lot of the time influencers are approached by people who have no respect for their time and who spam them with proposals and links. The one way you can get noticed is by asking permission before sharing your links or proposals. This way you are much more likely to get a positive response.

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Category: Business & Finance | 11 years ago

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5 Tips
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