I am unable to figure out on what basis I shall filter out the pages that are probably the reason due to which google panda hit our site. Please give me some pointers for this.
Once you have located which website is bringing you down, go to the contact form on that particular website and request removal. I usually use Majestic SEO to locate the links.
Give the panda and penguin tool by Barracuda a try. Information about it is in this blog post: http://www.shoutmeloud.com/panda-penguin-tool-find-which-google-algo-hit-your-website.html
The link to the actual tool is given below.
Pages with little or no content are majorly penalized by the Panda update, which considers it thin content. You can read more on the post linked below.
Panda hates duplication and you need to make sure none of your posts or pages have the same content, if there are any, you are surely hit by panda. Some good tips are in this article.
Go to Google Analytics and compare all of your site pages with the past dates to see on which pages your site lost traffic first. Due to panda penalty although overall pages of your site will lose rankings and traffic but the ones which were hit first are probably those which were the main cause, so try exploring all of them to figure out the issue.
This doesn't mean you should ignore the rest of the pages, panda peanlty = complete site content quality audit.
The post I am sharing below explains how you can analyze your traffic and find out whether you are actually hit by google panda.
Panda hits pages which are filled up with keywords without any useful information. Remove these pages and make sure none of your content is solely focused on fitting in keywords to get search engine traffic.
Category: Science & Technology | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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