How to learn Social Human Behavior

How to learn Social Human Behavior – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to learn Social Human Behavior. This topic was created by Earl Daniels and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Mind-Blowing Experiments That Will Change The Way You Understand Yourself

Published:  | Submitted by Dominique Vanpu 00e 9e | permalink
10 Mind-Blowing Experiments That Will Change The Way You Understand Yourself

Why do we do the things we do? Despite our best attempts to "know thyself," the truth is that we often know astonishingly little about our own minds, and even less about the way others think
Tags: 10, psychological, studies, that, will, change, what, you, think, you, know, about, yourself, healthy, living

Tip 2 - 10 Psychological Research Studies to Help You Tap Into Human Behavior and Increase Conversions

Published:  | Submitted by R Richie | permalink
10 Psychological Research Studies to Help You Tap Into Human Behavior and Increase Conversions

Ten fascinating psychological research studies that will help you learn how people "tick", as well as how to apply them to increase conversions.

Tip 3 - Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior

Published:  | Submitted by Karen Cox | permalink
Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior

Why do people behave the way they do? Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior, by psychologist and Professor Mark Leary, is your guide to the latest theories and research from psychology and other behavioral sciences on this age-old question. Understanding the answers will help you better know yourself and the people around you. With the powerful insights you'll find in these 24 intellectually scintillating lectures, you'll start looking at your own and other people's behavior with a little more insight, curiosity, and wonderment.
Tags: understanding the mysteries of,human,behavior,science,biology,psychology

Tip 4 - Understanding the 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors

Published:  | Submitted by ekta | permalink
Understanding the 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors

Humans lie, cheat and steal, gossip, bully and kill. Why we do these and other destructive things.

Tip 5 - Want to predict human behavior? Use these 6 lessons based on data from 10 million households

Published:  | Submitted by vincent schoehuijs | permalink
Want to predict human behavior? Use these 6 lessons based on data from 10 million households

Over the past couple of years, data-driven soothsayers have made a splash with their prescient predictions, forecasting everything from politics to public safety. Behold Nate Silver’s flawless state-by-state prophecy of the 2012 presidential election. Or Netflix’s increasingly…
Tags: opower, opower outlier, forecasting, barry fischer, emily bailey, nathan srinivas,behavioral science,energy savings,forecasting,predictive analytics,scientific methods,statistics,utility industry

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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