How to make Easy Pizzas for Kids out of English Muffins

How to make Easy Pizzas for Kids out of English Muffins – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to make Easy Pizzas for Kids out of English Muffins. This topic was created by Lawrence West and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Fast English Muffin Pizzas

Published:  | Submitted by Andy Cameron | permalink
Fast English Muffin Pizzas

Fast and VERY kid friendly.. they can make them and all you have to do is bake them! Pizza sauce, cheese and their choice of topping makes this a great snack or anytime meal!

Tip 2 - English Muffin Pizza

Published:  | Submitted by Fiona Banes | permalink
English Muffin Pizza

Make-your-own mini pizzas made with English muffins are a fun meal for birthday parties or afternoon snacks.

Tip 3 - English Muffin Pizzas - Once Upon a Chef

Published:  | Submitted by James Spearman | permalink
English Muffin Pizzas - Once Upon a Chef

Did your mom make you English Muffin Pizzas growing up? Mine did all the time, and my sister and I loved to help her make them. I came across a recipe in a cookbook recently and realized that it had been at least 20 years since I’d had one. I wondered, were they really as …

Tip 4 - English Muffin Pizzas

Published:  | Submitted by nikant | permalink
English Muffin Pizzas

These English muffin pizzas are a fantastic quick and easy dinner for kids. You can have dinner on the table in less than 15 minutes once you knowhow to make English muffin pizzas.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

13.4k+ Reads
5 Tips
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