How to make Horehound Lozenges

How to make Horehound Lozenges – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to make Horehound Lozenges. This topic was created by Kim Person and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Making Horehound cough drops and other medicinal lozenges for the homestead medicine chest | Joybilee Farm

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Valentino | permalink
Making Horehound cough drops and other medicinal lozenges for the homestead medicine chest | Joybilee Farm

Do you remember horehound candies, those brown candies that you could buy at the candy store, when candy came unwrapped and you bought 3 candies for a nickel?  They were flavoured with horehound and sugar.  They were originally made to soothe sore throats.  You could buy them as both pillow-shaped brown candies or brown and …

Tip 2 - Herb to Know: Horehound Cough Drops

Published:  | Submitted by Kathryn Braham | permalink
Herb to Know: Horehound Cough Drops

Relieve your cough with a bag of homemade horehound cough drops.
Tags: Horehound Cough Drops,Homemade Cough Drops,Health

Tip 3 - Homemade Herbal Throat Lozenges for Cough, Cold, and Flu - Keeper of the Home

Published:  | Submitted by Shirley Thornton | permalink
Homemade Herbal Throat Lozenges for Cough, Cold, and Flu - Keeper of the Home

Want to try your hand at making homemade herbal throat lozenges? This recipe for homemade herbal throat lozenges is so easy, you'll never buy them again!

Tip 4 - Cold Season Remedy: Homemade Cough Drops

Published:  | Submitted by JODY LUKEHART | permalink
Cold Season Remedy: Homemade Cough Drops

We hate cough drops almost as much as we hate coughing. The ones we buy in the store either taste like candy or some kind of poison, and the throat-soothing affect of either is always a little dubious. But here are some cough drops we think we can get on board with: the homemade kind!

Tip 5 - Cough Drops

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Swan | permalink
Cough Drops

Try this homemade cough drops recipe the next time you need something to soothe your sore throat.  Carefully selected herbs also make these great as n...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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