How to pay bills with out the worry!

How to pay bills with out the worry! – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to pay bills with out the worry!. This topic was created by cheezymadman and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What to Do if You Can’t Pay All Your Bills

Published:  | Submitted by Chunky Money | permalink
What to Do if You Can’t Pay All Your Bills

In an ideal world, we would never have a problem paying our bills. But the reality is sometimes you just can't pay bills. Here's what to do.

Tip 2 - How to Stop Worrying About Money

Published:  | Submitted by niktheblak | permalink
How to Stop Worrying About Money

Worrying about money has been so ingrained in our culture today that it has literally become an epidemic. I hate how I feel when I worry about money, and I know I do it far too often. I also know i...

Tip 3 - Federal employees worry about paying bills if hit with unpaid furlough days

Published:  | Submitted by 336 | permalink
Federal employees worry about paying bills if hit with unpaid furlough days

Federal employees worry about paying bills in the face of unpaid furlough days.
Tags: federal employees, furlough, sequester, budget cuts, Federal Employee Education &, Assistance Fund, FEEA, Office of Personnel Management, OPM

Tip 4 - "You wouldn't have to worry about paying your bills and ONLY paying your bills."

Published:  | Submitted by Claudio Cadeddu | permalink
"You wouldn't have to worry about paying your bills and ONLY paying your bills."

"There definitely should be a raise in the minimum wage to $15. Because there’d be a lot more money made, and you wouldn’t have to worry about paying your bills and then only paying your bills. You can instead of just living to work, work to live."

Tip 5 - Can't pay the bills -

Published:  | Submitted by cmolson 6 | permalink
Can't pay the bills -

If the final notice letters are piling up you'd better read on.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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