How to train harder and recover smarter

How to train harder and recover smarter – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to train harder and recover smarter. This topic was created by Art Tabler and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Smarter, not Harder

Published:  | Submitted by Grethe Brekke | permalink

I first experienced the unique pleasure of distance running during my senior year in high school. I achieved modest success almost immediately, racing a 10-flat 2-mile and a 4:40 mile. This flash of potential was enough to help me get recruited to college as well as imbue me with a sense of invulnerability and an almost unshakable optimism in future success.

Tip 2 - Train Smart! How To Avoid 5 Common Training Mistakes -

Published:  | Submitted by Wendell Dorsey | permalink
Train Smart! How To Avoid 5 Common Training Mistakes -

Get more fitness return on your training investment by addressing these problems.
Tags: Train Smart! How To Avoid 5 Common Training Mistakes

Tip 3 - Training Smarter, Not Harder, to Avoid Overtraining - Wildcat Crosfit

Published:  | Submitted by Omar Ramirez | permalink
Training Smarter, Not Harder, to Avoid Overtraining - Wildcat Crosfit

By Drew Hammond MS, CSCS, CTR Training Smarter, Not Harder, to Avoid Overtraining “Everything in moderation.” You’ve probably heard this quote in reference to just about anything: nutrition, lifestyle decisions, tanning beds. CrossFit, on the other hand, prescribes more: more weight, more reps, more volume, more distance. One training variable often overlooked by the majority of …

Tip 4 - How CrossFitters Can Train Smarter, Not Harder

Published:  | Submitted by pwain | permalink
How CrossFitters Can Train Smarter, Not Harder

Athletes competing in the 2015 CrossFit Regionals have been ramping up training volume. Regional workouts are announced only a week before the first weekend of competition. Many athletes are attempting all of the workouts, in a short amount of time, placing a huge stress on their bodies.

Tip 5 - 5 Ways to Train Smarter Before Training Harder

Published:  | Submitted by Deepak Balasubramaniam | permalink
5 Ways to Train Smarter Before Training Harder

Man, I love a good high intensity workout. Don't you? Whether it's hill sprinting, broad jumping, sled pushing, or throwing some weighted ropes around, the feeling after a workout that left you feeling smoked is irreplaceable. But here's the thing, these things can also be a risk ...

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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